Internal/Premises Discussion
Based on the discussion during the lab today, I have created this page to collect ideas about our premises. You are all more than welcome to contribute and express your opinions.
- Should we add an open social area?
- Yes (SN, AS, AM, FA, ...) No (...)
- Should it be at E5 (SN, AS FA, ...) or at F5 (AM, ...)
- Do we need at least 2 conference rooms?
- Yes (SN, AM, FA,...) No (AS, ...)
- Should both be at E5 (...) or one at E5 and one at F5 (SN, AS, AM, FA,...)
- Do we need a third (smaller) conference/meeting room?
- Yes (SN, FA,...) No (AS, AM,...)
- How many people (mostly affects PhD students I guess) should we have in a single office:
- at most 1 (...)
- at most 2 (AM,...)
- at most 3 (SN, AS, FA, ...)
- more than 3 (...)
- How many more office rooms do we need at F5
- less than 3 (...)
- 3-5 (AS, AM,...)
- 5-10 (...)
- all of them (SN, FA, ...)
Any other ideas?
- Facilitate the access between E5/F5 (not needing to pass the card and insert code each time)?
- (SN) I would suggest doing something similar to lunchroom at B2 (no PIN needed during work hours) and getting new card readers (as in tower, when you don't need to swipe the card, it's enough to touch the reader).
- Do we need a glass walls around Tuesday dinner table?
- Similar to the idea of test premises, maybe it might be an idea to have an extra room if someone need not to be disturbed (somewhere in F5).
- Table tennis