

This page contains information about how to get your project application approved by the Vice Chancellor, Mikael Alexandersson [1]. This is something you must do if your project budged exceeds 500 000 SEK.

Note that the 500 000 SEK limit is on the total HH part of the project budget, regardless of whether the amount you are requesting from the external funding agency is less than that. So if you want to avoid going through this approval procedure, think about how you present your project budget.

Here is a list of things you need to do to complete the approval procedure. Information about what needs to be approved and by whom can be found here [2], in Swedish.

  • First you must contact Stefan Gunnarsson [3] and prepare the project budget. This budget must be approved and signed by the head of the school, Magnus Hållander [4]. You should almost certainly also talk to Antanas before that.
  • Then you must prepare a decision document or “beslut” [5]. Note that you will require a diary number for this document. This number will be in the budget prepared by Stefan G. This document summarizes what the project is about, how it will be financed and why it is relevant. It must be completed in Swedish, so if you don't speak Swedish ask Eva Nestius [6] or someone else to help you with that.
  • The signed budget and decision document should be sent to Johan Nööjd [7] to be included in the next decision meeting or “beslutsmöte” [8]. These meetings don't happen very often (I think every two weeks, they should show up in the official calendar [9]) so make sure to take that into account when preparing your application.
  • If the deadline for you application is too short and you cannot wait for a decision meeting, you should contact Johan Nööjd [10] and Marianne Dellstrand [11] and schedule an audience with the Vice Chancellor.
  • If the Vice Chancellor is absent the pro Vice Chancellor, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson [12], may take the decision.

If you learn something else about this procedure, please include it in this page.

Good luck with your application!!