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ContactInformation Slawomir Nowaczyk  +
Description BIDAF is a five-year research project finaBIDAF is a five-year research project financed by the KK-stiftelsen. The project is carried out by researchers at Halmstad University, SICS Swedish ICT AB, and University of Skövde, Sweden. The overall aim of the BIDAF project is to significantly further the research within massive data analysis, by means of machine learning, in response to the increasing demand of retrieving value from data in all of society. This will be done by creating a strong distributed research environment for big data environment for big data analytics.
Lctitle false  +
LogotypeFile Bidaf.png  +
ProjectEnd 29 February 2020  +
ProjectResponsible Slawomir Nowaczyk  +
ProjectStart 1 November 2014  +
Projectpartner SICS + , University of Skövde +
ShortDescription Big Data Analytics Framework for smart society  +
Title BIDAF  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF + , BIDAF +
Categories ResearchProject  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 24 September 2019 20:20:40  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. ResearchProj  +
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Mohamed-Rafik Bouguelia + , Sławomir Nowaczyk + Project
Publications:An adaptive algorithm for anomaly and novelty detection in evolving data streams + , Publications:Mode tracking using multiple data streams + , Publications:Supporting Analytical Reasoning : A Study from the Automotive Industry + Projects


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