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Cargo ANTs
ApplicationArea Intelligent Vehicles +
ContactInformation Roland Philippsen  +
Description The EC-funded Cargo-ANTs project involves The EC-funded Cargo-ANTs project involves five partners from three countries, to create smart Automated Guided Vehicles and Highly Automated Trucks than can cooperate in shared workspaces for efficient and safe freight transportation in main ports and freight terminals.ation in main ports and freight terminals.
FundingMSEK 2.7  +
Lctitle false  +
LogotypeFile 180px-Cargo-ANTS.png  +
ProjectDetailsPDF CAISR-poster-Cargo-ANTs-2013.pdf  +
ProjectEnd 31 August 2016  +
ProjectResponsible Roland Philippsen  +
ProjectStart 1 September 2013  +
Projectpartner Volvo Group - Trucks Technology - Advanced Technology and Research + , ICT Automatisering, Nederlands + , CSIC - IRI Spain + , TNO Netherlands +
Publication Task Assignment and Trajectory Planning in Dynamic environments for Multiple Vehicles, Jennifer David, Rafael Valencia, Karl Iagnemma, Workshop on Task and Motion Planning, Robotics Science and Systems, Michigan, USA  +
ShortDescription Cargo Handling by Automated Next Generation Transportation Systems for Ports and Terminals.  +
Title Cargo ANTs  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs + , Cargo ANTs +
Categories ResearchProject  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 19 August 2017 19:52:16  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. ResearchProj  +
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Jennifer David + , Rafael Valencia + Project


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