Stefan Karlsson/PersonalPage/Education/Matlab With Applications/Project,
Deadline to submit your project: 12am(24.00 hrs) on 27th of June (The end of the course).
Note: if you have an idea for a project that does not strictly fit below description, pitch it to me, and I may accept it, or modify it slightly to be acceptable for you.
Requirements for project
- GUI, with minimum one axes object, and a few pushbuttons
- Callback functions for mouse and keypressess on the keyboard
The project should include at least one of the following topics:
- Handle mouse clicks in the axes, using a callback function.
- Display animation in the axes
- Display and manipulate 3D objects in the axes
The best thing for you to do is to think up your own project, that suits your interests and study goals. Whatever you think up, ask me about it first. All projects has to be approved before you start them.
Possible projects:
(standard) Graphical calculator
with a lot of functionalities...
(standard) Hanging man game
Make a word guessing game, where letters have to be guessed in the word. For every wrong guess of a letter, another detail of a “hanging man” is drawn. When the hanging man is fully drawn, the player looses, and a small animation is displayed of the dead guy swinging from the gallows.
(ambitious) A roulette game.
The game should keep track of the amount of money a user has, and he could bet that money on a number. The axes object could display a simple animation of a ball circling, and finally showing the resulting number of the roulette table.
(ambitious)Shooter game
The program could have balls and other objects bouncing around inside the axes object with some defined speed and behaviour. Use the mouse cursor to shoot them down. Keep track of how many are shot down, how fast, and what accuracy the user has( this can made in 3D as well, if you want to have some real fun and higher grade).