Towards robustness of post hoc Explainable AI methods

Title Towards robustness of post hoc Explainable AI methods
Summary Towards robustness of post hoc Explainable AI methods
Keywords Explainable AI, Robustness, Adversarial attacks
TimeFrame Fall 2023
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Supervisor Parisa Jamshidi, Peyman Mashhadi, Jens Lundström
Level Master
Status Open

Post Hoc explanation methods like LIME [1] and SHAP [2], due to their internal perturbation mechanisms, are shown to be susceptible to adversarial attacks [3, 4]. This means that, for example, a biased method can be altered maliciously in a way to fool explanation methods so that it appears as unbiased [5]. Furthermore, there are methods for fooling Partial Dependence Plot (PDP)[6] and Gradient-Based approaches7], which propose attacks according to each method's weaknesses [8, 9]. Almost every industrial sector leans towards adopting AI. However, there is a barrier of trust to AI which can be alleviated by Explainable AI; therefore it is of immense importance to make XAI methods robust to adversarial attacks. This project aims at exploring and equipping a chosen Post hoc XAI method with a mechanism to make them robust to adversarial attacks [10].