Publications:Soft fusion of neural classifiers

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Title Soft fusion of neural classifiers
Author Antanas Verikas and Kerstin Malmqvist and Marija Bacauskiene and Arunas Lipnickas
Year 1998
PublicationType Conference Paper
HostPublication ICONIP'98 : The Fifth International Conference on Neural Information Processing, jointly with JNNS'98, the 1998 annual conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society : Kitakyushu, Japan, October 21-23, 1998 : proceedings, Volume 1
Conference 5th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 98) / 1998 Annual Conference of the Japanese-Neural-Network-Society (JNNS 98), Kitakyushu, Japan, Oct. 21-23, 1998
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Abstract This paper presents three schemes for soft fusion of outputs of multiple neural classifiers. The weights assigned to classifiers or groups of them are data dependent. The first scheme performs linear combination of outputs of classifiers and, in fact, is the BADD defuzzification strategy. The second approach involves calculation of fuzzy integrals. The last scheme performs weighted averaging with data dependent weights. An empirical evaluation using widely accessible data sets substantiates the validity of the approaches with data dependent weights compared to various existing combination schemes of multiple classifiers. The majority rule, combination by averaging, the weighted averaging, the Borda count, and the fuzzy integral have been used for the comparison.