Antanas Verikas
Antanas Verikas, Professor, PhD
Family Name: Verikas
Given Name: Antanas
Role: Professor
Title: PhD
Subject: Pattern Recognition
Phone: +46-35-16-71-40
Cell Phone:
Teaching: Learning Systems (7.5 credits), Thesis (30 credits)
Subject areas: Learning Systems, Signal Analysis
Application areas:
Projects: Centre for Health Technology Halland - HCH, PPQ
Journal publications registered in DiVA
Taha Khan, Lina Lundgren, David G. Anderson, Irena Novak, Mark Dougherty, Antanas Verikas, Misha Pavel, Holly Jimison, Sławomir Nowaczyk, Vered Aharonson (2019). Assessing Parkinson's disease severity using speech analysis in non-native speakers. Computer speech & language (Print).
Tadas Rimavičius, Adas Gelžinis, Antanas Verikas, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Marija Bačauskiene, Aleksėj Šaškov (2018). Automatic benthic imagery recognition using a hierarchical two-stage approach. Signal, Image and Video Processing. 12(6), pp. 1107-1114
Maria Luiza Recena Menezes, A. Samara, L. Galway, Anita Sant'Anna, Antanas Verikas, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, H. Wang, R. Bond (2017). Towards emotion recognition for virtual environments : an evaluation of eeg features on benchmark dataset. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 21(6), pp. 1003-1013
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene (2017). Detecting Parkinson's disease from sustained phonation and speech signals. PLoS ONE. 12(10)
Petras Ražanskas, Antanas Verikas, Per-Arne Viberg, Charlotte M. Olsson (2017). Predicting physiological parameters in fatiguing bicycling exercises using muscle activation timing. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 35, pp. 19-29
Mohamed-Rafik Bouguelia, Sławomir Nowaczyk, K. C. Santosh, Antanas Verikas (2017). Agreeing to disagree : active learning with noisy labels without crowdsourcing. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics.
Jonas Minelga, Antanas Verikas, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene (2017). A Transparent Decision Support Tool in Screening for Laryngeal Disorders Using Voice and Query Data. Applied Sciences: APPS. 7(10), pp. 1-15
Antanas Verikas, James Parker, Marija Bacauskiene, M. Charlotte Olsson (2017). Exploring relations between EMG and biomechanical data recorded during a golf swing. Expert systems with applications. 88, pp. 109-117
Antanas Verikas, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Adas Gelzinis, James Parker, M. Charlotte Olsson (2016). Electromyographic Patterns during Golf Swing : Activation Sequence Profiling and Prediction of Shot Effectiveness. Sensors. 16(4)
Jens Lundström, Eric Järpe, Antanas Verikas (2016). Detecting and exploring deviating behaviour of smart home residents. Expert systems with applications. 55, pp. 429-440
Irina Olenina, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Sigitas Sulcius, Ricardas Paskauskas, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Vilma Bertasiute, Sergej Olenin (2016). The dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum at the edge of the salinity tolerance : The growth is slower but cells are larger. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 168(5), pp. 71-79
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Kestutis Vaskevicius, Virgilijus Uloza, Evaldas Padervinskis, Jolita Ciceliene (2016). Fusing Various Audio Feature Sets for Detection of Parkinson’s Disease from Sustained Voice and Speech Recordings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9811, pp. 328-337
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Marija Bacauskiene, Jonas Minelga, Magnus Clarin, Virgilijus Uloza, Evaldas Padervinskis (2015). Data dependent random forest applied to screening for laryngeal disorders through analysis of sustained phonation : Acoustic versus contact microphone. Medical Engineering and Physics. 37(2), pp. 210-218
Virgilijus Uloza, Evaldas Padervinskis, Aurelija Vegiene, Ruta Pribuisiene, Viktoras Saferis, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Adas Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas (2015). Exploring the feasibility of smart phone microphone for measurement of acoustic voice parameters and voice pathology screening. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 272(11), pp. 3391-3399
Petras Ražanskas, Antanas Verikas, Charlotte Olsson, Per-Arne Wiberg (2015). Predicting Blood Lactate Concentration and Oxygen Uptake from sEMG Data during Fatiguing Cycling Exercise. Sensors. 15(8), pp. 20480-20500
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Irina Olenina (2015). Exploiting statistical energy test for comparison of multiple groups in morphometric and chemometric data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 146, pp. 10-23
Gelzinis Adas, Antanas Verikas, Vaiciukynas Evaldas, Bacauskiene Marija (2015). A novel technique to extract accurate cell contours applied to analysis of phytoplankton images. Machine Vision and Applications. 26(2-3), pp. 305-315
Petras Razanskas, Antanas Verikas, Per-Arne Wiberg, Charlotte Olsson (2015). Time Domain Features of Multi-channel EMG Applied to Prediction of Physiological Parameters in Fatiguing Bicycling Exercises. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 278, pp. 118-127
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Irina Olenina, Evaldas Vaiciukynas (2015). An Integrated Approach to Analysis of Phytoplankton Images. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 40(2), pp. 315-326
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Jonas Minelga, Magnus Clarin, Evaldas Padervinskis, Virgilijus Uloza (2015). Fusing voice and query data for non-invasive detection of laryngeal disorders. Expert systems with applications. 42(22), pp. 8445-8453
Adas Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Marija Bacauskiene, Sigitas Šulčius, Juozas Staniulis, Ričardas Paškauskas (2015). Automatic detection and morphological delineation of bacteriophages in electron microscopy images. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 64, pp. 101-116
Virgilijus Uloza, Evaldas Padervinskis, Ingrida Uloziene, Viktoras Saferis, Antanas Verikas (2015). Combined Use of Standard and Throat Microphones for Measurement of Acoustic Voice Parameters and Voice Categorization. Journal of Voice. 29(5), pp. 552-559
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis, Zvi Kons (2014). Enhancing decision-level fusion through cluster-based partitioning of feature set. The MENDEL Soft Computing journal : International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL. , pp. 259-264
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Zvi Kons, Aharon Satt, Ron Hoory (2014). Fusion of voice signal information for detection of mild laryngeal pathology. Applied Soft Computing. 18(May 2014), pp. 91-103
Jens Lundström, Eric Järpe, Antanas Verikas (2014). Detecting and exploring deviating behaviour of people in their own homes.
Zivile Kalsyte, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis (2013). A novel approach to designing an adaptive committee applied to predicting company’s future performance. Expert systems with applications. 40(6), pp. 2051-2057
Zivile Kalsyte, Antanas Verikas (2013). A novel approach to exploring company’s financial soundness : Investor’s perspective. Expert systems with applications. 40(13), pp. 5085-5092
Jens Lundström, Antanas Verikas (2013). Assessing print quality by machine in offset colour printing. Knowledge-Based Systems. 37, pp. 70-79
Zivile Kalsyte, Antanas Verikas (2013). A novel approach to exploring company’s financial soundness: Investor’s perspective. Expert systems with applications. 40(13), pp. 5085-5092
Jens Lundström, Antanas Verikas, E Tullander, B Larsson (2013). Assessing, exploring, and monitoring quality of offset colour prints. Measurement. 46(4), pp. 1427-1441
Cristofer Englund, Antanas Verikas (2012). A novel approach to estimate proximity in a random forest : An exploratory study. Expert systems with applications. 39(17), pp. 13046-13050
Antanas Stasiunas, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Rimvydas Miliauskas (2012). An adaptive panoramic filter bank as a qualitative model of the filtering system of the cochlea : The peculiarities in linear and nonlinear mode. Medical Engineering and Physics. 34(2), pp. 187-194
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Virgilijus Uloza (2012). Questionnaire- versus voice-based screening for laryngeal disorders. Expert systems with applications. 39(6), pp. 6254-6262
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Irina Olenina, Sergej Olenin, Evaldas Vaiciukynas (2012). Phase congruency-based detection of circular objects applied to analysis of phytoplankton images. Pattern Recognition. 45(4), pp. 1659-1670
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Virgilijus Uloza (2012). Exploring similarity-based classification of larynx disorders from human voice. Speech Communication. 54(5), pp. 601-610
Marija Bacauskiene, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Aurelija Vegiene (2012). Random forests based monitoring of human larynx using questionnaire data. Expert systems with applications. 39(5), pp. 5506-5512
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Irina Olenina, Sergej Olenin, Evaldas Vaiciukynas (2012). Automated image analysis- and soft computing-based detection of the invasive dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller. Expert systems with applications. 39(5), pp. 6069-6077
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Magnus Clarin, Marija Bacauskiene, Ahmad Alzghoul (2011). Screening web breaks in a pressroom by soft computing. Applied Soft Computing. 11(3), pp. 3114-3124
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene (2011). Mining data with random forests : A survey and results of new tests. Pattern Recognition. 44(2), pp. 330-349
Virgilijus Uloza, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis, Ruta Pribuisiene, Marius Kaseta, Viktoras Saferis (2011). Categorizing Normal and Pathological Voices : Automated and Perceptual Categorization. Journal of Voice. 25(6), pp. 700-708
Vilius Kontrimas, Antanas Verikas (2011). The mass appraisal of the real estate by computational intelligence. Applied Soft Computing. 11(1), pp. 443-448
Antanas Stasiunas, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Rimvydas Miliauskas (2011). A Serial-Parallel Panoramic Filter Bank as a Model of Frequency Decomposition of Complex Sounds in the Human Inner Ear. Informatica (Vilnius). 22(2), pp. 259-278
Antanas Verikas, Jonas Guzaitis, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene (2011). A general framework for designing a fuzzy rule-based classifier. Knowledge and Information Systems. 29(1), pp. 203-221
Antanas Verikas, Jens Lundström, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis (2011). Advances in computational intelligence-based print quality assessment and control in offset colour printing. Expert systems with applications. 38(10), pp. 13441-13447
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis, Zivile Kalsyte (2010). Hybrid and ensemble-based soft computing techniques in bankruptcy prediction : a survey. Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications. 14(9), pp. 995-1010
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marina Kovalenko, Marija Bacauskiene (2010). Selecting features from multiple feature sets for SVM committee-based screening of human larynx. Expert systems with applications. 37(10), pp. 6957-6962
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Magnus Clarin, Virgilijus Uloza, Marius Kaseta (2010). Combining image, voice, and the patient's questionnaire data to categorize laryngeal disorders. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 49(1), pp. 43-50
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Virgilijus Uloza (2010). Towards noninvasive screening for malignant tumours in human larynx. Medical Engineering and Physics. 32(1), pp. 83-89
Antanas Verikas, Virgilijus Uloza, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis, Edgaras Kelertas (2009). Advances in laryngeal imaging. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 266(10), pp. 1509-1520
Antanas Stasiunas, Antanas Verikas, Rimvydas Miliauskas, Natalija Stasiuniene (2009). An adaptive model simulating the somatic motility and the active hair bundle motion of the OHC. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 39(9), pp. 800-809
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Virgilijus Uloza, Marius Kaseta (2009). Using the patient's questionnaire data to screen laryngeal disorders. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 39(2), pp. 148-155
Marija Bacauskiene, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Donatas Valincius (2009). A feature selection technique for generation of classification committees and its application to categorization of laryngeal images. Pattern Recognition. 42(5), pp. 645-654
Marcus Ejnarsson, Antanas Verikas, Carl Magnus Nilsson (2009). Multi-resolution screening of paper formation variations on production line. Expert systems with applications. 36(2, part 2), pp. 3144-3152
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Donatas Valincius, Adas Gelzinis (2008). Predictor output sensitivity and feature similarity-based feature selection. Fuzzy sets and systems (Print). 159(4), pp. 422-434
Jonas Guzaitis, Antanas Verikas (2008). An Efficient Technique to Detect Visual Defects in Particleboards. Informatica (Vilnius). 19(3), pp. 363-376
Antanas Stasiunas, Antanas Verikas, Rimvydas Miliauskas, Natalija Stasiuniene, Marija Bacauskiene (2008). Physiologically inspired signal preprocessing for auditory prostheses : Insights from the electro-motility of the OHC. Medical Engineering and Physics. 30(2), pp. 171-181
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene (2008). Estimating ink density from colour camera RGB values by the local kernel ridge regression. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. 21(1), pp. 35-42
Cristofer Englund, Antanas Verikas (2008). Ink feed control in a web-fed offset printing press. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 39(9-10), pp. 919-930
A. Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas, M. Bacauskiene (2008). Automated speech analysis applied to laryngeal disease categorization. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 91(1), pp. 36-47
Cristofer Englund, Antanas Verikas (2008). Ink flow control by multiple models in an offset lithographic printing process. Computers & industrial engineering. 55(3), pp. 592-605
Vilius Kontrimas, Antanas Verikas (2007). Neural networks based screening of real estate transactions. Neural Network World. 17(1), pp. 17-30
Cristofer Englund, Antanas Verikas (2007). A SOM-based data mining strategy for adaptive modelling of an offset lithographic printing process. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. 20(3), pp. 391-400
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Donatas Valincius, Marija Bacauskiene, Virgilijus Uloza (2007). Multiple feature sets based categorization of laryngeal images. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 85(3), pp. 257-266
Adas Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene (2007). Increasing the discrimination power of the co-occurrence matrix-based features. Pattern Recognition. 40(9), pp. 2367-2372
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Donata Valincius, Virgilijus Uloza (2007). A kernel-based approach to categorizing laryngeal images. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 31(8), pp. 587-594
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Carl-Magnus Nilsson (2007). Estimating the amount of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks in arbitrary colour pictures. Neural computing & applications (Print). 16(2), pp. 187-195
Jörgen Ungh, Carl Magnus Nilsson, Antanas Verikas (2007). Analysis of paper, print and press interaction from online measurements in a press room. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal. 22(3), pp. 383-387
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Virgilijus Uloza (2006). Integrating global and local analysis of color, texture and geometrical information for categorizing laryngeal images. International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. 20(8), pp. 1187-1205
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Virgilijus Uloza (2006). Towards a computer-aided diagnosis system for vocal cord diseases. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 36(1), pp. 71-84
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene (2005). Image analysis and fuzzy integration applied to print quality assessment. Cybernetics and systems. 36(6), pp. 549-564
Antanas Stasiunas, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Rimvydas Miliauskas, Natalija Stasiuniene, Kerstin Malmqvist (2005). Compression, adaptation and efferent control in a revised outer hair cell functional model. Medical Engineering and Physics. 27(9), pp. 780-789
Lars Bergman, Antanas Verikas, M. Bacauskiene (2005). Unsupervised colour image segmentation applied to printing quality assessment. Image and Vision Computing. 23(4), pp. 417-425
Cristofer Englund, Antanas Verikas (2005). A hybrid approach to outlier detection in the offset lithographic printing process. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. 18(6), pp. 759-768
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Lars Bergman (2005). Detecting and measuring rings in banknote images. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. 18(3), pp. 363-371
Tanas Stasiunas, Antanas Verikas, Povilas Kemesis, Marija Bacauskiene, Rimvydas Miliauskas, Natalija Stasiuniene, Kerstin Malmqvist (2005). A multi-channel adaptive nonlinear filtering structure realizingsome properties of the hearing system. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 35(6), pp. 495-510
Marija Bacauskiene, Antanas Verikas (2004). Selecting salient features for classification based on neural network committees. Pattern Recognition Letters. 25(16), pp. 1879-1891
Marija Bacauskiene, Antanas Verikas (2004). The Evidence Theory Based Post-Processing of Colour Images. Informatica (Vilnius). 15(3), pp. 315-328
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, A. Dosinas, V. Bartkevicius, Adas Gelzinis, M. Vaitkunas, Arunas Lipnickas (2004). Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 15(3), pp. 275-286
Antanas Verikas, M. Bacauskiene (2003). Using artificial neural networks for process and system modelling. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 67(2), pp. 187-191
Antanas Verikas, M. Bacauskiene, A. Dosinas, V. Bartkevicius, A. Gelzinis, M. Vaitkunas, A. Lipnickas (2003). An intelligent system for tuning magnetic field of a cathode ray tube deflection yoke. Knowledge-Based Systems. 16(3), pp. 161-164
Antanas Stasiunas, Antanas Verikas, Povilas Kemesis, Marija Bacauskiene, Rimvydas Miliauskas, Natalija Stasiuniene, Kerstin Malmqvist (2003). A non-linear circuit for simulating OHC of the cochlea. Medical Engineering and Physics. 25(7), pp. 591-601
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Lars Bergman, P. Engstrand (2003). Colour speck counter for assessing the dirt level in secondary fibre pulps. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science (JPPS). 29(7), pp. 220-224
Antanas Verikas, M. Bacauskiene, Kerstin Malmqvist (2003). Learning an Adaptive Dissimilarity Measure for Nearest Neighbour Classification. Neural computing & applications (Print). 11(3-4), pp. 203-209
Antanas Verikas, Arunas Lipnickas, Kerstin Malmqvist (2002). Selecting neural networks for a committee decision. International Journal of Neural Systems. 12(5), pp. 351-361
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene (2002). Feature Selection with Neural Networks. Pattern Recognition Letters. 23(11), pp. 1323-1335
Antanas Verikas, Arunas Lipnickas (2002). Fusing neural networks through space partitioning and fuzzy integration. Neural Processing Letters. 16(1), pp. 53-65
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Marija Bacauskiene (2001). Combining neural networks, fuzzy sets, and the evidence theory based techniques for detecting colour specks. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 10(2), pp. 117-130
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Kerstin Malmqvist (2001). Using unlabelled data to train a multilayer perceptron. Neural Processing Letters. 14(3), pp. 179-201
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, M. Bacauskiene, Lars Bergman (2000). Monitoring the de-inking process through neural network-based colour image analysis. Neural computing & applications (Print). 9(2), pp. 142-151
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis (2000). Training neural networks by stochastic optimisation. Neurocomputing. 30(1-4), pp. 153-172
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, L. Bergman (2000). Neural networks based colour measuring for process monitoring and control in multicoloured newspaper printing. Neural computing & applications (Print). 9(3), pp. 227-242
Adas Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist (1999). Quality function for unsupervised classification and its use in graphic arts. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence. 3(6), pp. 532-540
Antanas Verikas, Arunas Lipnickas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis (1999). Soft combination of neural classifiers : a comparative study. Pattern Recognition Letters. 20(4), pp. 429-444
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, L. Malmqvist, L. Bergman (1999). A New method for colour measurements in graphic arts. Color Research and Application. 24(3), pp. 185-196
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, L. Bergman, M. Signahl (1998). Colour classification by neural networks in graphic arts. Neural computing & applications (Print). 7(1), pp. 52-64
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Lars Bergman (1997). Colour image segmentation by modular neural network. Pattern Recognition Letters. 18(2), pp. 173-185
Conference publications registered in DiVA
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Adas Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene (2018). Parkinson’s Disease Detection from Speech Using Convolutional Neural Networks. Third EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, GOODTECHS 2017, Pisa, Italy, November 29-30, 2017.
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Jonas Minelga, Magnus Clarin, Evaldas Padervinskis, Virgilijus Uloza (2015). Towards Voice and Query Data-based Non-invasive Screening for Laryngeal Disorders. The 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED’15), Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, January 10-12, 2015.
Adas Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Marija Bacauskiene, Jonas Minelga, Magnus Clarin, Virgilijus Uloza, Evaldas Padervinskis (2014). Exploring sustained phonation recorded with acoustic and contact microphones to screen for laryngeal disorders. CICARE 2014 – 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Healthcare and e-health, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 9-12, 2014.
Jonas Minelga, Adas Gelzinis, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Evaldas Padervinskis, Virgilijus Uloza (2014). Comparing Throat and Acoustic Microphones for Laryngeal Pathology Detection from Human Voice. ECT 2014 – The 9th International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies, Kaunas, Lithuania, 8-9 May, 2014.
Zivile Kalsyte, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis (2013). A Novel Technique to Design an Adaptive Committee of Models Applied to Predicting Company’s Future Performance. 5th International Conference on Computer Research and Development (ICCRD 2013), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, February 23-24, 2013.
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Sigitas Sulcius, Ricardas Paskauskas, Irina Olenina (2013). Prototype-Based Contour Detection Applied to Segmentation of Phytoplankton Images. 3rd World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT-2012), 14-16 November 2012, University of Barcelon, Barcelona, Spain.
Adas Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Evaldas Vaiciukynas (2013). Learning Accurate Active Contours. 14th International Conference, EANN 2013, Halkidiki, Greece, September 13-16.
Zivile Kalsyte, Antanas Verikas, Asta Vasiliauskaite (2012). Predicting trends of financial attributes by an adaptive committee of models. The 7th International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies, ECT-2012, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 3-4, 2012.
Sofia Brorsson, Adas Gelzinis, Michail Tonkonogi, Antanas Verikas (2012). Differences in the muscle activities in the forearm muscles in healthy men and women. XIXth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology, Brisbane, Australia, 19-21 July 2012.
Adas Gelzinis, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Marija Bacauskiene, Antanas Verikas, Sigitas Sulcius, Ricardas Paskauskas, Irina Oleninaz (2012). Boosting performance of the edge-based active contour model applied to phytoplankton images. 13th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI2012), , November 20-22, Budapest, Hungary.
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis, Virgilijus Uloza (2011). Monitoring Human Larynx by Random Forests Using Questionnaire Data. The 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications.
Adas Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Irina Olenina, Sergej Olenin (2011). Detecting P. minimum cells in phytoplankton images. The 6th international conference on Electrical and Control Technologies ECT 2011, May 5-6, 2011, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Antanas Stasiunas, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, As Miliauskas (2011). An adaptive functional model of the filtering system of the cochlea of the inner ear. ISABEL 2011.
Adas Gelzinis, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Irina Olenina, Sergej Olenin (2011). Categorizing cells in phytoplankton images. The 11th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and Artificial Vision (ISCGAV'11), Florence, Italy, August 23-25, 2011.
Jens Lundström, Antanas Verikas (2011). System for Assessing, Exploring and Monitoring Offset Print Quality. The 2nd European Conference of Systems (ECS '11), Puerto De La Cruz Tenerife, Spain, December 10-12, 2011.
Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Antanas Verikas, Aurelija Vegiene (2010). Exploring Kernels in SVM-Based Classification of Larynx Pathology from Human Voice. The 5th International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies 6-7 May 2010, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Jens Lundström, Antanas Verikas (2010). Detecting Halftone Dots for Offset Print Quality Assessment Using Soft Computing. WCCI 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, FUZZ-IEEE.
Adas Gelzinis, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Edgaras Kelertas, Bacauskiene Marija, Antanas Verikas, Uloza Virgilijus, Vegiene Aurelija (2009). Towards video laryngostroboscopy-based automated screening for laryngeal disorders. 6th International Conference “Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications”, MAVEBA 2009, December 14-16, Firenze, Italy.
Ahmad Alzghoul, Antanas Verikas, Magnus Clarin, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis (2009). Screening paper runnability in a web-offset pressroom by data mining. 9th Industrial Conference on Advances in Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical Aspects, ICDM 2009, Leipzig, 20 - 22 July 2009.
Jonas Guzaitis, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene (2009). A framework for designing a fuzzy rule-based classifier. ADT2009, 1st International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Venice, Italy, October 2009.
Antanas Verikas, Virgilijus Uloza, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Ruta Pribuisiene, Marius Kaseta (2009). Exploiting image, voice, and patient's questionnaire data for screening laryngeal disorders. 3rd Advanced Voice Function Assessement International Workshop (AVFA 2009), May 18-20, Madrid, Spain.
Adas Gelzinis, Evaldas Vaiciukynas, Edgaras Kelertas, Marija Bacauskiene, Antanas Verikas, Virgilijus Uloza, Aurelija Vegiene (2009). Categorizing sequences of laryngeal data for decision support. 4th International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies, ECT 2009, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania, 7-8 May 2009.
Antanas Verikas, Virgilijus Uloza, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Ruta Pribuisiene, Marius Kaseta (2009). Exploiting image, voice, and patient's questionnaire for screening laryngeal disorders. 3rd Advanced Voice Function Assessement International Workshop (AVFA 2009), May 18-20, 2009, Madrid, Spain.
Jonas Guzaitis, Antanas Verikas (2008). ANN and ICA sparse code shrinkage de-noising based defect detection in pavement tiles. 14th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies, IT 2008, Kaunas, Lithuania, April 24-25, 2008.
Cristofer Englund, Antanas Verikas (2007). Combining traditional and neural-based techniques for ink feed control in a newspaper printing press. 7th Industrial Conference on Data Mining, Leipzig, GERMANY, JUL 14-18, 2007.
Marcus Ejnarsson, Carl-Magnus Nilsson, Antanas Verikas (2007). Screening paper Formation variations on production line. 20th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems Location, Kyoto, JAPAN, JUN 26-29, 2007.
D. Valinicius, Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis (2007). Evolving Committees of Support Vector Machines. 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, Leipzig, Germany, July 18-20, 2007.
Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis, Marius Kaseta, Marina Kovalenko, Ruta Pribuisiene, Virgilijus Uloza, Antanas Verikas (2007). Multiple feature sets and genetic search based discrimination of pathological voices. International Conference “Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications”, MAVEBA 2007, Florence, Italy.
Marija Bacauskiene, Vladas Cibulskis, Antanas Verikas (2006). Selecting variables for neural network committees. third International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, China, May 28 - June 1, 2006.
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Carl Magnus Nilsson (2006). Soft Computing for Assessing the Quality of Colour Prints. 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Annecy, France, June 27-30, 2006.
Marcus Ejnarsson, Carl Magnus Nilsson, Antanas Verikas (2006). A Kernel based multi-resolution time series analysis for screening deficiencies in paper production. third International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, China, May 28 - June 1, 2006.
Donatas Valincius, Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene (2006). Image analysis based categorization of laryngeal diseases. 1st International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies, 2006, MAY 04-05, 2006 Kaunas, LITHUANIA, 2006.
Cristofer Englund, Antanas Verikas (2005). A SOM based model combination strategy. Second International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chongqing, China, May 30 - June 1, 2005.
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene, Virgilijus Uloza (2005). Intelligent vocal cord image analysis for categorizing laryngeal diseases. 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems IEA/AIE 2005.
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis (2004). Leverages Based Neural Networks Fusion. 11th International Conference, ICONIP 2004, Calcutta.
Lars Bergman, Antanas Verikas (2004). Intelligent Monitoring of the Offset Printing Process. International Conference on Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence, Grindelwald, 23 - 25 February 2004.
Lars Bergman, Antanas Verikas, Cristofer Englund, J. Kindberg, J. Olsson, B. Sjögren (2003). Modelling and Control of the Web-Fed Offset Newspaper Printing Press. 2003 Proceedings-Technical Associations of the Graphic Arts, TAGA, Montreal, Canada.
Antanas Verikas, Lars Bergman, Kerstin Malmqvist, Marija Bacauskiene (2003). Neural modelling and control of the offset printing process. IASTED International Conference on Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence (NCI 2003), Cancun, Mexico, May 19-21, 2003.
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Kerstin Malmqvist (2003). Selecting salient features for classification committees. Joint International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN)/International on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), JUN 26-29, 2002, ISTANBUL, TURKEY.
Antanas Verikas, Arunas Lipnickas, Kerstin Malmqvist (2002). Selecting neural networks for making a committee decision. 12th International Conference on Artifical Neural Networks (ICANN 2002), AUG 28-30, 2002, MADRID, SPAIN.
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Kerstin Malmqvist (2002). Selecting features for neural network committees. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN '02), Honolulu, HI, United States, 12-17 May, 2002.
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Kerstin Malmqvist, Marija Bacauskiene (2001). Using Unlabelled Data to Train a Multilayer Perceptron. Conference of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR 2001), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 11-14, 2001.
Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Kerstin Malmqvist (2001). Selecting features with neural networks. 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2001), SHANGHAI, PEOPLES R CHINA, NOV 14-18, 2001.
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Marija Bacauskiene (2000). Combining neural networks, fuzzy sets, and evidence theory based approaches for analysing colour images. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000.
Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Kerstin Malmqvist (1999). Using Labelled and Unlabelled Data to Train a Multilayer Perceptron for Colour Classification in Graphic Arts. 12th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems IEA/AIE -99, Cairo, Egypt, May 31 - June 3, 1999.
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Marija Bacauskiene, Arunas Lipnickas (1998). Soft fusion of neural classifiers. 5th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 98) / 1998 Annual Conference of the Japanese-Neural-Network-Society (JNNS 98), Kitakyushu, Japan, Oct. 21-23, 1998.
Mikael Signahl, Antanas Verikas (1997). Fuzzy combination schemes for modular neural networks. the 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Lappeenranta, Finland, June 9-11, 1997.
K. Malmqvist, L. Malmqvist, Antanas Verikas, L. Bergman (1996). A new method for colour measurements in multicolour newspaper pictures and its use for ink feed control. 1996 International Printing and Graphic Arts Conference.
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist (1995). Increasing colour image segmentation accuracy by means of fuzzy post-processing. 1995 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, the University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, 27 November-1 December 1995.
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Hans Busk (1994). Image analysis and artificial neural network for colour classification in multicolour newspaper printing. 1994 International Printing and Graphic Arts Conference, Halifax, Canada, 17-20 October 1994.
Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Marija Bacauskiene, Lars Bergman, Kenneth Nilsson (1994). Hierarchical neural network for color classification. 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN 94) - 1st IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Orlando, FL, June 26-29, 1994.