Publications:A Hybrid System for Robust Recognition of Ethiopic Script

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Title A Hybrid System for Robust Recognition of Ethiopic Script
Author Yaregal Assabie and Josef Bigun
Year 2007
PublicationType Conference Paper
HostPublication Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition : proceedings : Curtiba, Paraná, Brazil, September 23-26, 2007
Conference Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Curtiba, Paraná, Brazil, September 23-26, 2007
Diva url
Abstract In real life, documents contain several font types, styles, and sizes. However, many character recognition systems show good results for specific type of documents and fail to produce satisfactory results for others. Over the past decades, various pattern recognition techniques have been applied with the aim to develop recognition systems insensitive to variations in the characteristics of documents. In this paper, we present a robust recognition system for Ethiopic script using a hybrid of classifiers. The complex structures of Ethiopic characters are structurally and syntactically analyzed, and represented as a pattern of simpler graphical units called primitives. The pattern is used for classification of characters using similarity-based matching and neural network classifier. The classification result is further refined by using template matching. A pair of directional filters is used for creating templates and extracting structural features. The recognition system is tested by real life documents and experimental results are reported.