Josef Bigun
Josef Bigun, Professor, PhD
Family Name: Bigun
Given Name: Josef
Role: Professor
Title: PhD
Subject: Signal Analysis
Phone: +46-35-167227
Cell Phone:
Teaching: Image Analysis (7.5 credits), Computer Vision in 3D (7.5 credits)
Subject areas: Signal Analysis
Application areas:
Journal publications registered in DiVA
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Reuben A. Farrugia, Josef Bigun, Julian Fierrez, Ester Gonzalez-Sosa (2019). A Survey of Super-Resolution in Iris Biometrics with Evaluation of Dictionary-Learning. IEEE Access.
Ram P. Krish, Julian Fierrez, Daniel Ramos, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2018). Improving Automated Latent Fingerprint Identification Using Extended Minutia Types. Information Fusion.
Martin Cooney, Josef Bigun (2017). PastVision+ : Thermovisual Inference of Recent Medicine Intake by Detecting Heated Objects and Cooled Lips. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 4
Andreas Ranftl, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Stefan Karlsson, Josef Bigun (2017). A Real-Time AdaBoost Cascade Face Tracker Based on Likelihood Map and Optical Flow. IET Biometrics.
Heinz Hofbauer, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun, Andreas Uhl (2016). Experimental Analysis Regarding the Influence of Iris Segmentation on the Recognition Rate. IET Biometrics. 5(3), pp. 200-211
Ram Prasad Krish, Julian Fierrez, Daniel Ramos, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Josef Bigun (2015). Pre-registration of latent fingerprints based on orientation field. IET Biometrics. 4(2), pp. 42-52
Ram Prasad Krish, Julian Fierrez, Daniel Ramos, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Josef Bigun (2015). Pre-Registration of Latent Fingerprints based on Orientation Field. IET Biometrics.
Josef Bigun, Anna Mikaelyan (2015). Dense frequency maps by Structure Tensor and logarithmic scale space : application to forensic fingerprints.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2015). Near-infrared and visible-light periocular recognition with Gabor features using frequency-adaptive automatic eye detection. IET Biometrics. 4(2), pp. 74-89
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Anna Mikaelyan, Josef Bigun (2015). Keypoint Description by Symmetry Assessment–Applications in Biometrics.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2015). A survey on periocular biometrics research. Pattern Recognition Letters.
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2011). Offline handwritten Amharic word recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters. 32(8), pp. 1089-1099
Massimo Tistarelli, Josef Bigun (2009). Image and vision computing journal special issue on multimodal biometrics. Image and Vision Computing. 27(3), pp. 221-221
Klaus Kollreider, Hartwig Fronthaler, Josef Bigun (2009). Non-intrusive liveness detection by face images. Image and Vision Computing. 27(3), pp. 233-244
Hartwig Fronthaler, Klaus Kollreider, Josef Bigun, Julian Fierrez, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez (2008). Fingerprint Image-Quality Estimation and its Application to Multialgorithm Verification. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 3(2), pp. 331-338
Hartwig Fronthaler, Klaus Kollreider, Josef Bigun (2008). Local Features for Enhancement and Minutiae Extraction in Fingerprints. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 17(3), pp. 354-363
Bir Bhanu, Nalini K. Ratha, Vijay Kumar, Rama Chellappa, Josef Bigun (2007). Guest Editorial : Special Issue on Human Detection and Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2(3 part 2), pp. 489-490
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Julian Fierrez-Aguilar, Hartwig Fronthaler, Klaus Kollreider, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Josef Bigun (2007). Combining multiple matchers for fingerprint verification : A case study in biosecure network of excellence. Annales des télécommunications. 62(1-2), pp. 62-82
Maycel Faraj, Josef Bigun (2007). Synergy of lip motion and acoustic features in biometric speech and speaker recognition. I.E.E.E. transactions on computers (Print). 56(9), pp. 1169-1175
Klaus Kollreider, Hartwig Fronthaler, Maycel Faraj, Josef Bigun (2007). Real-Time Face Detection and Motion Analysis With Application in “Liveness” Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2(3 part 2), pp. 548-558
Stefan Karlsson, Josef Bigun (2007). Multiscale complex moments of the local power spectrum. Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 24(3), pp. 618-625
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2007). Multifont size-resilient recognition system for Ethiopic script. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. 10(2), pp. 85-100
J. Fierrez, J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Hartwig Fronthaler, Klaus Kollreider, Josef Bigun, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez (2007). A Comparative Study of Fingerprint Image-Quality Estimation Methods. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2(4), pp. 734-743
Maycel-Isaac Faraj, Josef Bigun (2007). Audio–visual person authentication using lip-motion from orientation maps. Pattern Recognition Letters. 28(11), pp. 1368-1382
Josef Bigun, Dereje Teferi (2007). Damascening video databases for evaluation of face tracking and recognition – The DXM2VTS database. Pattern Recognition Letters. 28(15), pp. 2143-2156
Hemakumar Lalith Premaratne, Eric Järpe, Josef Bigun (2006). Lexicon and hidden Markov model-based optimisation of the recognised Sinhala script. Pattern Recognition Letters. 27(6), pp. 696-705
Julian Fierrez-Aguilar, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Josef Bigun (2005). Discriminative multimodal biometric authentication based on quality measures. Pattern Recognition. 38(5), pp. 777-779
Hemakumar Lalith Premaratne, Josef Bigun (2004). A segmentation-free approach to recognise printed Sinhala script using linear symmetry. Pattern Recognition. 37(10), pp. 2081-2089
Josef Bigun, Tomas Bigun, Kenneth Nilsson (2004). Recognition by symmetry derivatives and the generalized structure tensor. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 26(12), pp. 1590-1605
Javier Ortega-Garcia, Josef Bigun, Douglas Reynolds, Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez (2004). Authentication gets personal with biometrics. IEEE signal processing magazine (Print). 21(2), pp. 50-62
Fabrizio Smeraldi, Josef Bigun (2003). Special issue - Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA 2001) - Preface. Pattern Recognition Letters. 24(13), pp. 2103-2104
Kenneth Nilsson, Josef Bigun (2003). Localization of corresponding points in fingerprints by complex filtering. Pattern Recognition Letters. 24(13), pp. 2135-2144
F. Smeraldi, Josef Bigun (2002). Retinal vision applied to facial features detection and face authentication. Pattern Recognition Letters. 23(4), pp. 463-475
Fabrizio Smeraldi, Olivier Carmona, Josef Bigun (2000). Saccadic search with Gabor features applied to eye detection and real-time head tracking. Image and Vision Computing. 18(4), pp. 323-329
Benoıt Duc, Stefan Fischer, Josef Bigun (1999). Face authentication with Gabor information on deformable graphs. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 8(4), pp. 504-516
Conference publications registered in DiVA
Kevin Hernandez-Diaz, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2019). Cross-Spectral Biometric Recognition with Pretrained CNNs as Generic Feature Extractors. Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis, SSBA, Gothenburg, Swede), March 19-20, 2019.
Kevin Hernandez-Diaz, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2019). Cross Spectral Periocular Matching using ResNet Features. 12th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, Crete, Greece, June 4-7, 2019.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun, Cristofer Englund (2018). Expression Recognition Using the Periocular Region : A Feasibility Study. The 14th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems, SITIS 2018, 26-29 November 2018, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
Kevin Hernandez-Diaz, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2018). Periocular Recognition Using CNN Features Off-the-Shelf. International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Darmstadt, Germany, Sept. 26-29, 2018.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Reuben A. Farrugia, Josef Bigun (2017). Iris Super-Resolution Using Iterative Neighbor Embedding. International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR, IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics, Hawaii Convention Center HI, USA, 21-26 Jul, 2017.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Kiran B. Raja, Christoph Busch, Josef Bigun (2017). Matcher Fusion for Improved Cross-Sensor Smartphone Periocular Recognition. 2017 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), Kos Island, Greece, August 28 - 2 September, 2017.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Reuben Farrugia, Josef Bigun (2017). Learning-Based Local-Patch Resolution Reconstruction of Iris Smart-phone Images. IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB, Denver, Colorado, USA, October 1-4, 2017.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Reuben Farrugia, Josef Bigun (2017). Learning-Based Local-Patch Resolution Reconstruction of Iris Smartphone Images. IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB, Denver, Colorado, USA, October 1-4, 2017.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Kiran B. Raja, Christoph Busch, Josef Bigun (2017). Log-Likelihood Score Level Fusion for Improved Cross-Sensor Smartphone Periocular Recognition. 2017 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), 28 Aug.-2 Sept., 2017, Kos Island, Greece.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Anna Mikaelyan, Josef Bigun (2017). Compact Multi-scale Periocular Recognition Using SAFE Features. 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Dec 4-8, 2016, Cancun, Mexico.
Martin Cooney, Josef Bigun (2017). PastVision: Exploring “Seeing” into the Near Past with Thermal Touch Sensing and Object Detection – For Robot Monitoring of Medicine Intake by Dementia Patients. 30th Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society SAIS 2017, May 15–16, 2017, Karlskrona, Sweden.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Reuben A. Farrugia, Josef Bigun (2017). Improving Very Low-Resolution Iris Identification Via Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Local Patches. 16th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Darmstadt, Germany, September 20-22, 2017.
Ana F. Sequeira, Lulu Chen, James Ferryman, Peter Wild, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun, Kiran B. Raja, R. Raghavendra, Christoph Busch, Tiago Freitas Pereira, Sébastien Marcel, Sushree Sangeeta Behera, Mahesh Gour, Vivek Kanhangad (2017). Cross-Eyed 2017 : Cross-Spectral Iris/Periocular Recognition Competition. IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB, Denver, Colorado, USA, October 1-4, 2017.
Ana F. Sequeira, Lulu Chen, James Ferryman, Peter Wild, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun, Kiran B. Raja, R. Raghavendra, Christoph Busch, Tiago Freitas Pereira, Sébastien Marcel, Sushree Sangeeta Behera, Mahesh Gour, Vivek Kanhangad (2017). Cross-Eyed 2017 : Cross-Spectral Iris/Periocular Recognition Database and Competition. IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB, Denver, Colorado, USA, October 1-4, 2017.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2016). Periocular Biometrics : Databases, Algorithms and Directions. 4th International Conference on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), Limassol, Cyprus, March 3-4, 2016.
Josef Bigun, Anna Mikaelyan (2016). Frequency map by Structure Tensor in Logarithmic Scale Space and Forensic Fingerprints. 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPRW 2016; Las Vegas; United States; 26 June 2016 through 1 July 2016..
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Reuben Farrugia, Josef Bigun (2016). Very Low-Resolution Iris Recognition Via Eigen-Patch Super-Resolution and Matcher Fusion. 8th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, USA, September 6-9, 2016.
Abhishek Gangwar, Akanksha Joshi, Ashutosh Singh, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2016). IrisSeg : A Fast and Robust Iris Segmentation Framework for Non-Ideal Iris Images. 9th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, Halmstad, Sweden, June 13-16, 2016.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2016). Periocular biometrics : Databases, Algorithms and Directions. Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis (SSBA), Uppsala, Sweden, March 14-16, 2016.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Anna Mikaelyan, Josef Bigun (2016). Compact Multi-scale Periocular Recognition Using SAFE Feature. 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Cancún, Mexico, 4-8 December, 2016.
Ana F. Sequeira, Lulu Chen, Peter Wild, James Ferryman, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun, Kiran B. Raja, R. Raghavendra, Christoph Busch (2016). Cross-Eyed : Cross-Spectral Iris/Periocular Recognition Database and Competition. 15th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, BIOSIG, Darmstadt, Germany, 21-23 September, 2016.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Reuben A. Farrugia, Josef Bigun (2015). Eigen-patch iris super-resolution for iris recognition improvement. 23rd European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 31 August–4 September, 2015.
Carsten Gottschlich, Anna Mikaelyan, Martin Aastrup Olsen, Josef Bigun, Christoph Busch (2015). Improving Fingerprint Alteration Detection. 9th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Zagreb, Croatia, September 7-9, 2015.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Reuben A. Farrugia, Josef Bigun (2015). Reconstruction of Smartphone Images for Low Resolution Iris Recognition. 7th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, WIFS, Rome, Italy, 16-19 November, 2015.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Anna Mikaelyan, Josef Bigun (2015). Comparison and Fusion of Multiple Iris and Periocular Matchers Using Near-Infrared and Visible Images. 3rd International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, IWBF 2015, Gjøvik, Norway, 3-4 March, 2015.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Reuben A. Farrugia, Josef Bigun (2015). Eigen-Patch Iris Super-Resolution For Iris Recognition Improvement. 23rd European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 31 August–4 September, 2015.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2014). Best Regions for Periocular Recognition with NIR and Visible Images. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, Paris, France, 27-30 October, 2014.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2014). Fake Iris Detection: A Comparison Between Near-Infrared and Visible Images. Workshop on Insight on Eye Biometrics, IEB, in conjunction with the International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems, SITIS, Marrakech, Morocco, 23-27 November, 2014.
Heinz Hofbauer, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Peter Wild, Josef Bigun, Andreas Uhl (2014). A Ground Truth for Iris Segmentation. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28, 2014.
Anna Mikaelyan, Josef Bigun (2014). Symmetry Assessment by Finite Expansion : application to forensic fingerprints. 2014 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Darmstadt, Germany, 10-12 September, 2014.
Anna Mikaelyan, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2014). Periocular Recognition by Detection of Local Symmetry Patterns. Workshop on Insight on Eye Biometrics (IEB) in conjunction with The 10th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (SITIS), Marrakech, Morocco, 23-27 November, 2014.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2014). Eye Detection by Complex Filtering for Periocular Recognition. IWBF 2014 – 2nd International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics 2014, Valletta, Malta, 27-28th March, 2014.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2014). Fake Iris Detection : A Comparison Between Near-Infrared and Visible Images. Workshop on Insight on Eye Biometrics, IEB, in conjunction with the 10th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2014, Marrakech, Morocco, 23-27 November, 2014.
Ram P. Krish, Julian Fierrez, Daniel Ramos, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Josef Bigun (2014). Partial Fingerprint Registration for Forensics using Minutiae-generated Orientation Fields. IWBF 2014 – 2nd International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics 2014, Valletta, Malta, 27-28th March, 2014.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2014). Exploting Periocular and RGB Information in Fake Iris Detection. 37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO, Special Session on Biometrics & Forensics & De-identification and Privacy Protection, BiForD, Opatija, Croatia, 26-30th May, 2014.
Anna Mikaelyan, Josef Bigun (2014). Symmetry Assessment by Finite Expansion : Application to forensic fingerprints. 13th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Darmstadt, Germany, 10-12 September, 2014.
Anna Mikaelyan, Josef Bigun (2014). SAFE features for matching fingermarks by neighbourhoods of single minutiae. 14th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2014), Incheon, South Korea, September 24-26, 2014.
Ram P. Krish, Julian Fierrez, Daniel Ramos, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Josef Bigun (2014). Pre-registration for Improved Latent Fingerprint Identification. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28, 2014.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2013). Biometric Recognition Using Periocular Images. Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis 2013 (SSBA 2013), Gothenburg, 14-15 March.
Anna Mikaelyan, Josef Bigun (2013). Frequency and ridge estimation using structure tensor. Biometric Technologies in Forensic Science (BTFS 2013), Nijmegen, Netherlands, October 14-15, 2013.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2013). Quality Factors Affecting Iris Segmentation and Matching. ICB-2013, The 6th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, Madrid, Spain, June 4-7, 2013.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2012). Iris Boundaries Segmentation Using the Generalized Structure Tensor : A Study on the Effects of Image Degradation. The IEEE Fifth International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 2012), Washington DC, September 23-26, 2012.
Anna Mikaelyan, Josef Bigun (2012). Ground truth and evaluation for latent fingerprint matching. 2012 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Providence, Rhode Island, June 16-21, 2012.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2012). Periocular Recognition Using Retinotopic Sampling and Gabor Decomposition. International Workshop “What's in a Face?” WIAF, in conjunction with the 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2012, Florence, Italy, 7-13 October, 2012.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2012). Iris Segmentation Using the Generalized Structure Tensor. SSBA Symposium 2012 (SSBA2012), Stockholm, Sweden, 8-9 mars, 2012.
Stefan Karlsson, Josef Bigun (2012). Lip-motion events analysis and lip segmentation using optical flow. 2012 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPRW 2012, 16-21 June, 2012, Rhode Island, USA.
Josef Bigun, Stefan Karlsson (2011). Histogram of directions by the structure tensor. The 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, ISABEL’11, October 26-29, Barcelona.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun (2011). Iris Pupil Detection by Structure Tensor Analysis. SSBA Symposium 2011 (SSBA2011), 17-18 mars, Linköping, Sweden.
Stefan Karlsson, Josef Bigun (2011). Synthesis and detection of log-spiral codes. SSBA Symposium i bildanalys, 17-18 mars 2011, Linköping.
Stefan Karlsson, Josef Bigun (2010). Directionality Features and the Structure Tensor. SSBA 2010 Symposium i bildanalys, Uppsala 11-12 mars.
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2009). HMM-Based Handwritten Amharic Word Recognition with Feature Concatenation. 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR '09, July 26-29, Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
Dereje Teferi, Josef Bigun (2009). Multi-view and Multi-scale Recognition of Symmetric Patterns. 16th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA 2009, Oslo, Norway, June 15-18, 2009.
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2008). Online Handwriting Recognition of Ethiopic Script. Eleventh International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR2008), August 19-21, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Klaus Kollreider, Hartwig Fronthaler, Josef Bigun (2008). Verifying Liveness by Multiple Experts in Face Biometrics. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Anchorage, AK, June 23-28, 2008.
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2008). Writer-independent Offline Recognition of Handwritten Ethiopic Characters. Eleventh International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR2008), August 19-21, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2008). Lexicon-based Offline Recognition of Amharic Words in Unconstrained Handwritten Text. 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Tampa, FL, 8-11 December 2008.
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2007). A Hybrid System for Robust Recognition of Ethiopic Script. Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Curtiba, Paraná, Brazil, September 23-26, 2007.
Maycel I. Faraj, Josef Bigun (2007). Speaker and Digit Recognition by Audio-Visual Lip Biometrics. International Conference on Biometrics Location, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA, AUG 27-29, 2007.
Dereje Teferi, Josef Bigun (2007). Pyramid Based Interpolation for Face-Video Playback in Audio Visual Recognition. International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2007), 27-29 Aug, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA.
Hartwig Fronthaler, Klaus Kollreider, Josef Bigun (2007). Pyramid-based Image Enhancement of Fingerprints. 2007 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies proceedings : 7-8 June 2007, Alghero, Italy.
Klaus Kollreider, Hartwig Fronthaler, Josef Bigun (2007). Real-Time Face Detection Using Illumination Invariant Features. 15th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Aalborg, Denmark, June 10-14, 2007.
Elizabeth Tse, Josef Bigun (2007). A base-line character recognition for syriac-aramaic. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 7-10 Oct. 2007, Montreal, Que..
Dereje Teferi, Maycel I. Faraj, Josef Bigun (2007). Text Driven Face-Video Synthesis Using GMM and Spatial Correlation. 15th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Aalborg, Denmark, June 10-14, 2007.
Maycel I. Faraj, Josef Bigun (2007). Lip Biometrics for Digit Recognition. 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Vienna, AUSTRIA, AUG 27-29, 2007.
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2007). A neural network approach for multifont and size-independent recognition of ethiopic characters. International Workshop on Advances in Pattern Recognition (IWAPR), Loughborough Univ, Loughborough, England, 2007.
Hartwig Fronthaler, Klaus Kollreider, Josef Bigun (2006). Automatic Image Quality Assessment with Application in Biometrics. 2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, New York City, New York, 17-22 June, 2006.
Maycel-Isaac Faraj, Josef Bigun (2006). Person verification by lip-motion. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, New York City, New York, 17-22 June, 2006.
Dereje Teferi, Josef Bigun (2006). Building video databases to boost performance quantification – the DXM2VTS database. The Ninth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2006), Helsinki University of Technology Espoo, Finland, October 25-27, 2006.
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2006). Structural and Syntactic Techniques for Recognition of Ethiopic Characters. Joint IAPR International Workshops, SSPR 2006 and SPR 2006, Hong Kong, China, August 17-19, 2006.
Maycel-Isaac Faraj, Josef Bigun (2006). Motion Features from Lip Movement for Person Authentication. The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 20 - 24 August, 2006, Hong Kong.
Yaregal Assabie, Josef Bigun (2006). Ethiopic Character Recognition Using Direction Field Tensor. 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2006, Hong Kong, 20 - 24 August, 2006.
Kenneth Nilsson, Josef Bigun (2005). Registration of fingerprints by complex filtering and by 1D projections of orientation images. Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, 5th International Conference, AVBPA 2005, Hilton Rye Town, NY, USA, July 20-22, 2005.
Klaus Kollreider, Hartwig Fronthaler, Josef Bigun (2005). Evaluating liveness by face images and the structure tensor. 4th IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies Location, Buffalo, NY, USA, OCT 17-18, 2005.
Martin Persson, Josef Bigun (2005). Detection of spots in 2-d electrophoresis gels by symmetry features. Third International Conference on Advances in Patten Recognition, ICAPR 2005, Bath, 22 August 2005 through 25 August 2005.
Hartwig Fronthaler, Klaus Kollreider, Josef Bigun (2005). Local feature extraction in fingerprints by complex filtering. International Workshop on Biometric Recognition Systems – IWBRS, Beijing, Oct. 22–23, 2005.
Josef Bigun, J. Fierrez-Aguilar, J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez (2005). Combining biometric evidence for person authentication. Summer School on Biometrics, Alghero, Italy, June 2-6, 2003..
Josef Bigun, J. Fierrez-Aguilar, J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez (2005). Combining Biometric Evidence for Person Authentication. Summer School on Biometrics, Alghero, Italy, June 2-6, 2003..
Julian Fierrez-Aguilar, J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Gonzalez-Rodrigueza, Josef Bigun (2004). Kernel-based multimodal biometric verification using quality signals. Volume 5404 Biometric Technology for Human Identification : Proceedings of SPIE.
L. Premaratne, Y. Assabie, Josef Bigun (2004). Recognition of Modification-based Scripts Using Direction Tensors. Proc. 4th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing.
Josef Bigun, Hartwig Fronthaler, Klaus Kollreider (2004). Assuring liveness in biometric identity authentication by real-time face tracking. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety : S. Giuliano, Venice, Italy, 21-22 July 2004.
Josef Bigun, Julián Fiérrez-Aguilar, Javier Ortega-García, Joaquín González-Rodríguez (2003). Multimodal biometric authentication using quality signals in mobile communications. 12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2003, Mantova, Italy, 17 - 19 September, 2003.
Johan Thärnå, Kenneth Nilsson, Josef Bigun (2003). Orientation scanning to improve lossless compression of fingerprint images. 4th International Conference on Audio- and Video- Based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA'03), Guildford, UK, June 9-11, 2003.
Josef Bigun, Tomas Bigun, Kenneth Nilsson (2003). Orientation fields filtering by derivatives of a Gaussian. 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA 2003), Halmstad, Sweden, Date: jun 29-jul 02, 2003.
Martin Persson, Josef Bigun (2003). Protein spot detection by symmetry derivatives of Gaussians. 13th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2003, Halmstad, Sweden, June 29 - July 2, 2003.
Kenneth Nilsson, Josef Bigun (2002). Prominent symmetry points as landmarks in fingerprint images for alignment. 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02), Quebec City, QC, Canada August 11-August 15 2002.
Fabrizio Smeraldi, Josef Bigun, Wulfram Gerstner (2002). Support vector features and the role of dimensionality in face authentication. First international workshop, SVM 2002, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 10, 2002.
Lalith Premaratne, Josef Bigun (2002). A Segmentation-Free Approach to Recognise Printed Sinhala Script. International Information Technology Conference, 7-9 october, Colombo.
Josef Bigun, Kwok Choy, Henrik Olsson (2001). Evidence on skill differences of women and men concerning face recognition. 3rd International Conference on Audio- and Video- Based Biometric Person Authentication, Halmstad, Sweden, June 06-08, 2001.
Kenneth Nilsson, Josef Bigun (2001). Using linear symmetry features as a pre-processing step for fingerprint images. Third international conference, AVBPA 2001, Halmstad, Sweden, June 6-8, 2001.
L. Premaratne, Josef Bigun (2001). Recognition of Printed Sinhala Characters. ACCV2002: The 5th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 22-25 January 2002, Melbourne, Australia..
F. Smeraldi, Josef Bigun, W. Gerstner (2000). On the role of dimensionality in face authentication. Symposium on image analysis, Halmstad March 7-8, 2000.
J. Matas, M. Hamouz, K. Jonsson, J. Kittler, Y. Li, C. Kotropoulos, A. Tefas, I. Patas, T. Tan, H Yan, F Smeraldi, Josef Bigun, N. Capdevielle, W. Gerstner, S. Ben-Yacoub, Y. Abdeljaoued, E. Mayoraz (2000). Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database. 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'00), 3-7 Sept. 2000 Barcelona, Spain.
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