Internal/Premises Discussion
Based on the discussion during the lab today, I have created this page to collect ideas about our premises. You are all more than welcome to contribute and express your opinions.
- Should we add an open social area?
- Yes (SN, AS, AM, ...) No (...)
- Should it be at E5 (SN, AS ...) or at F5 (AM, ...)
- Do we need at least 2 conference rooms?
- Yes (SN, AM,...) No (AS, ...)
- Should both be at E5 (...) or one at E5 and one at F5 (SN, AS, AM,...)
- Do we need a third (smaller) conference/meeting room?
- Yes (SN, ...) No (AS, AM,...)
- How many people (mostly affects PhD students I guess) should we have in a single office:
- at most 1 (...)
- at most 2 (AM,...)
- at most 3 (SN, AS, ...)
- more than 3 (...)
- How many more office rooms do we need at F5
- less than 3 (...)
- 3-5 (AS, AM,...)
- 5-10 (...)
- all of them (SN, ...)
Any other ideas?
- Do we need a glass walls around Tuesday dinner table?
- Similar to the idea of test premises, maybe it might be an idea to have an extra room if someone need not to be disturbed (somewhere in F5).