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CAISR - researchers and company representatives.


The scientific focus of the Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research (CAISR ) is on aware intelligent systems: human aware; situation aware; and self-aware. The center are built around researchers in the three subjects Signal Analysis, Mechatronics and Machine Learning. The industrial partners come from two application areas: Intelligent Vehicles and Health Technology.


The mission of CAISR is to serve and promote the development of industry and society. It is a center for industrially motivated research on the future technologies for and application opportunities with aware intelligent systems. CAISR will serve as a partner for industry´s own research and development, as a recruitment base for those who seek staff with state-of-the-art knowledge in intelligent systems technologies, and as a competence resource for industry and society. CAISR is an arena for research education and profiled master and bachelor studies.


The objective of CAISR is to provide knowledge (solutions, theories, methods, tools) to bridge the gap from algorithms to application domains where aware intelligent systems play a role. The goal is to make CAISR an internationally recognized environment for research and graduate education, characterized by high quality research with a strong emphasis on applications; a particular goal is to do research that (if successful) within a time frame of 5-10 years can lead to new or improved products.

Presentations of two Research Areas

Digital Service Innovation by Magnus Bergquist
Aware Intelligent Systems by Slawomir Nowaczyk

More information: Research Areas | Application Areas | Research Projects | Publications