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date of the meeting 2013/03/26
e.g. IS-lab, project name, ... islab
list of people (optional) RP,JL, SK(Sid), KN, SB, BÅ, SGS, FAF, SK, ASA, AM, TR, AV, JB, RT, NW, Tuve, Ulf

guests from Borås: Ulf Johansson and Tuve Löfström

1. Examiners role at HH

  • all exam dates should be known at the beginning of the course
  • examiner should write comments on the students replies
READ document and send comments to AV

2. Electronic center

3. Education board

  • 3% resourses for education will be taken over for strategic purposes
  • we get more teacher hours (money) than exactly courses we have => probably will go for strategic purposes as well
  • workshop in administration

4. Pedagogical prize

  • person can nominate himself
JB: procedure of nominatin should come from students, we have not been to each other courses
TR: AV can nominated people as he is the one reading student reviews

5. ARC13

  • collect information by April 10th
  • last 5 years (7 years)

6. New courses from KK foundation

7. Seminar

Ulf Johansson and Tuve Löfström, Högskolan i Borås: "Conformal Prediction, a Tutorial".