MBT Reading Group
Current Papers
- March 5, 2017 at 10.00 am: Optimizing Product Orders Using Graph Algorithms for Improving Incremental Product-Line Analysis
- Moderator: Mahsa
Upcoming Papers
- Feature Diagrams: A Survey and a Formal Semantics
- Feature Models, Grammars, and Propositional Formulas
- Abstraction-driven Concolic Testing
- IC3: Where Monolithic and Incremental Meet
- A Modal Process Logic
- Parametric Modal Transition Systems
Previous Papers
- February 13, 2017 at 11.00 am: Demo of Isolating Cause-effect Chains from Computer Programs
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian
- Moderator: Sebastian
- January 30, 2017 at 1.30 pm: Isolating Cause-effect Chains from Computer Programs
- Attendees: Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian
- Moderator: Sebastian
- November 21, 2016 at 1.30 pm: A Systematic Study of Automated Program Repair: Fixing 55 out of 105 Bugs for $8 Each
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian
- Moderator: Sebastian
- November 8, 2016 at 1.30 pm: Hybrid Learning: Interface Generation through Static, Dynamic, and Symbolic Analysis
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian
- Moderator: Masoumeh
- October 24, 2016 at 1.30 pm: Hybrid Learning: Interface Generation through Static, Dynamic, and Symbolic Analysis
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian
- Moderator: Masoumeh
- October 14, 2016: An Expressive Semantics of Mocking
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson, Wojciech
- Moderator: Wojciech
- September 7, 2016: Towards Incremental Model Slicing for Delta-oriented Software Product Lines
- Attendees: Hugo, Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- Moderator: Mahsa
- August 30, 2016: Applying Incremental Model Slicing to Product-Line Regression Testing
- Attendees: Hugo, Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- Moderator: Sebastian
- August 19, 2016: Does this fault lead to failure? Combining refinement and input–output conformance checking in fault-oriented test-case generation
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Wojciech
- Moderator: Wojciech
- June 10, 2016: Does this fault lead to failure? Combining refinement and input–output conformance checking in fault-oriented test-case generation
- Attendee: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- Moderator: Wojciech
- June 3, 2016: Perspectives on White-Box Testing: Coverage, Concurrency, and Concolic Execution
- Attendee: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- Moderator: Mohammad
- May 19, 2016: Feature Diagrams and Logics: There and Back Again
- Attendee: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- Moderator: Vanderson
- March 2, 2016: A Theory of Predicate-Complete Test Coverage and Generation
- Moderator: Masoumeh
- Attendee: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- February 10, 2016: Towards Composition of Conformant Systems
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- Moderator: Mohammad
- January 28, 2016: Model Checking Lots of Systems: Efficient Verification of Temporal Properties in Software Product Lines
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- Moderator: Mahsa
- January 14, 2016: Model Checking Lots of Systems: Efficient Verification of Temporal Properties in Software Product Lines
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- Moderator: Mahsa
- December 8, 2015: Automated Test Design for Boundaries of Product Line Variants
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson
- Moderator: Vanderson
- November 28, 2015: A Classification and Survey of Analysis Strategies for Software Product Lines
- Attendees: Mahsa, Masoumeh, Mohammad, Sebastian, Vanderson, Wojciech
- Moderator: Sebastian