- last minutes: Minutes/wiki/2012-03-16
- Internal/Information missing
- user acount creation
- remove bot accounts, merging, Extension:User Merge and Delete
- student account, use name: gggfffyy
- [NW] iswiki email account, configure email capabilities (php.ini, or mediawiki?)
- [JL] connect pubs to projects, best option would be to have the information saved in the projects other alternatives involve a sperate linking page or in worst case add the information on the publication page.
- [NW] make a template/form for external people, try to main stream person: staff, alumni, academic collaborator
- keywords, two alternatives unstructured tags or more structured things
- The info box is located on this page as an example: Health Technology
- release notes of smw extension
Unresolved from old minutes
- Link to BibTex-export for each publication.
- Investigate possibility to organizing uploaded files
- Fix "out-of-border" buttons in CSS
- Bullets are missing in the current skin --Nicholas 05:54, 14 March 2012 (PDT)