Modelling and Simulation of Vehicle Kinematics/Dynamics

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Title Modelling and Simulation of Vehicle Kinematics/Dynamics
Summary Simulate and analyse effects of vehicle kinematics and/or dynamics models in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) simulation context.
References The Platooning Extension for Veins (Plexe) >>

The open source vehicular network simulation framework VEINS have links to information about OMNeT++, an event-based network simulator, and SUMO, a road traffic simulator."The Platooning Extension for Veins (Plexe) >> The open source vehicular network simulation framework VEINS have links to information about OMNeT++, an event-based network simulator, and SUMO, a road traffic simulator." cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.

Prerequisites The student(s) is preferably skilled in C++ and familiar with MATLAB, especially for design of kinematic and/or dynamic models. Also, very interested in the use of simulation tools such as Simulink, VEINS, SUMO and OMNeT++.
Supervisor Tony Larsson, Maytheewat Aramrattana
Level Master
Status Open

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Description : Simulation is a cost-efficient and safe way to test automotive applications. Sufficient modelling of vehicles’ kinematic and/or dynamics behaviours are required to achieve reasonable simulation results. Heavy trucks and passenger cars have different engine characteristics. Thus, react differently to the input signals, which could be from the human driver or automated functions. Besides, electric vehicles might have different characteristics. The goal is to have accurate modelling of different types of vehicles, which could be executed in real-time in existing tools such as Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) or MATLAB/Simulink. Effects of models to the operations of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), or platooning, will also be studied in this project.