Publications:Comparative Simulation Study of Fast Heuristics for Power Control in Copper Broadband Networks

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Title Comparative Simulation Study of Fast Heuristics for Power Control in Copper Broadband Networks
Author Martin Wolkerstorfer and Tomas Nordström
Year 2014
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal Signal Processing
Diva url
Abstract The data-rate in currently deployed multi-carrier digital subscriber line (DSL) communication systems is limited by the interference among copper lines. This interference can be alleviated by multi-user transmit power allocation. Problem decomposition results in a large number of per-subcarrier problems. Our objective is to solve these nonconvex integer per-subcarrier power control problems at low complexity. For this purpose we develop ten combinatorial heuristics and test them by simulation under a small complexity budget in scenarios with tens of DSL users, where optimal solutions are currently intractable. Simulation results lead us to the conclusion that simple randomized greedy heuristics extended by a specific local search perform well despite the stringent complexity restriction. This has implications on multi-user discrete resource allocation algorithms, as these can be designed to jointly optimize transmit power among users even in large-scale scenarios.