Publications:Dynamic activity and task allocation supporting uav teams in surveillance systems

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Title Dynamic activity and task allocation supporting uav teams in surveillance systems
Author Edison Pignaton de Freitas and Alécio Pedro Delazari Binotto and Carlos Eduardo Pereira and Andre Stork and Tony Larsson
Year 2009
PublicationType Conference Paper
HostPublication Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2009. IMCSIT '09
Conference International Multiconference on computer science and information technology, October 12 - 14 2009, Mragowo, Poland
Diva url
Abstract The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles is increasing in the field of area patrolling and surveil- lance. A great issue that emerge in designing such systems is the target workload distribution over a fleet of UAVs, which generally have different capabilities of sensing and computing power. Targets should be assigned to the most suitable UAVs in order to efficiently perform the end-user initiated missions. To perform these missions, the UAVs require powerful high-performance platforms to deal with many dif- ferent algorithms that make use of massive calculations. The use of COTS hardware (e.g., GPU) presents an interesting low-cost alternative to compose the required platform. However, in order to efficiently use these heterogeneous platforms in a dynamic scenario, such as in surveillance systems, runtime reconfigu- ration strategies must be provided. This paper presents a dynamic approach to distribute the handling of targets among the UAVs and a heuristic method to address the efficient use of the heterogeneous hard- ware that equips these UAVs, with the goal to meet also mission timing requirements. Preliminary simu- lation results of the proposed heuristics are also provided.