Publications:Dynamic time-deterministic traffic in a fiber-optic WDM star network

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Title Dynamic time-deterministic traffic in a fiber-optic WDM star network
Author Magnus Jonsson and Klas Börjesson and Magnus Legardt
Year 1997
PublicationType Conference Paper
HostPublication Proceedings : Ninth Euromicro Workshop on Real Time Systems, June 11-13, 1997, Toledo, Spain
Conference Ninth Euromicro Workshop on Real Time Systems, June 11-13, 1997, Toledo, Spain
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Abstract A number of protocols for WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) star networks have been proposed. However, the area of real-time protocols for these networks is quite unexplored. In this paper, a real-time protocol, based on TDM (Time Division Multiplexing), for fiber-optic star networks is presented. By the use of WDM, multiple Gb/s channels are achieved. Services for both guarantee-seeking messages and best-effort messages are supported for single destination, multicast, and broadcast transmission. Slot reserving can be used to increase the time-deterministic bandwidth, while still having an efficient bandwidth utilization due to a simple slot release method. The deterministic properties of the protocol are analyzed and simulation results presented.