Publications:Evaluation of RTSJ-Based Distributed Control System

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Title Evaluation of RTSJ-Based Distributed Control System
Author Ivan Müller and André Cavalcante and Edison Pignaton de Freitas and Rodrigo Allgayer and Carlos Pereira and Tony Larsson
Year 2011
PublicationType Book Chapter
HostPublication Smart spaces and next generation wired/wireless networking : 11th international conference, NEW2AN 2011, and 4th Conference on Smart Spaces, ruSMART 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 22-15, 2011 : proceedings
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Abstract In this paper an analysis of a distributed control system based on Java is presented. A classical PID controlled system is implemented simulating each part of a real control system running in different computers connected to a local area network. The communication message time periods and their jitter are measured running the system in different computer environments and the results are presented and discussed at the end. Real time specification for Java is used in the implemented software and the results are compared to other implementations.