Publications:How severe is the hidden terminal problem in VANETs when using CSMA and STDMA?

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Title How severe is the hidden terminal problem in VANETs when using CSMA and STDMA?
Author Katrin Sjöberg and Elisabeth Uhlemann and Erik G. Ström
Year 2011
PublicationType Conference Paper
HostPublication IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall)
Conference IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 5-8 Sept., San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011
Diva url
Abstract The hidden terminal problem is often said to be the major limiting performance factor in vehicular ad hoc networks. In this article we propose a definition of the hidden terminal problem suitable for broadcast transmissions and proceed with a case study to find how the packet reception probability is affected by the presence of hidden terminals. Two different medium access control methods; carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) from IEEE 802.11p and self-organizing time division multiple access (STDMA), are subject of investigation through computer simulations of a highway scenario with a Nakagami fading channel model. The results reveal that the presence of hidden terminals does not significantly affect the performance of the two MAC protocols. STDMA shows a higher packet reception probability for all settings due to the synchronized packet transmissions.