Publications:Modeling Basic Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems, Part II

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Title Modeling Basic Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems, Part II
Author Yingfu Zeng and Chad Rose and Paul Brauner and Walid Taha and Jawad Masood and Roland Philippsen and Marcia O’Malley and Robert Cartwright
Year 2013
PublicationType Conference Paper
Conference 4th International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for ROBotic systems (DSLRob-13)
Diva url
Abstract We consider the question of what language features are needed to effectively model cyber-physical systems (CPS). In previous work, we proposed a core language called Acumen as a way to study this question, and showed how several basic aspects of CPS can be modeled clearly in a language with a small set of constructs. This paper reports on the result of our analysis of two more complex case studies from the domain of rigid body dynamics. The first one, a quadcopter, illustrates that Acumen can support larger, more interesting systems than previously shown. The second one, a serial robot, provides a concrete example of why explicit support for static partial derivatives can significantly improve the expressivity of a CPS modeling language.