Publications:Reducing delay and jitter in software control systems

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Title Reducing delay and jitter in software control systems
Author Hoai Hoang and Giorgio Buttazzo and Magnus Jonsson
Year 2007
PublicationType Conference Paper
Conference Real-Time in Sweden (RTiS), August 21st - 22nd, 2007, MRTC/PROGRESS research centre at Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden
Diva url
Abstract Software control systems may be subject to high interference caused by concurrency and resource sharing. Reducing delay and jitter in such systems is crucial for guaranteeing high performance and predictability. In this paper, we present a general approach for reducing delay and jitter by acting on task relative deadlines. The method allows the user to specify a deadline reduction factor for each task to better exploit the available slack according to specific jitter sensitivity. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness and the generality of the proposed approach with respect to other methods available in the literature.