Publications:Report on Rail Conference and Wireless Communications : VTS News

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[[Title::Report on Rail Conference and Wireless Communications : [VTS News]|]]

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Author Bih-Yuan Ku and Elisabeth Uhlemann
Year 2011
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine
Diva url
Abstract The 2011 Joint Rail Conference (JRC) was held in Pueblo, Colorado, on March 16-18, 2011, immediately after the Association of American Railroads Research Review. The conference started with a technical tour of TTCi. The highlights of the technical tour were two on-site presentations on a full-scale train impact test and the field test of the positive train control (PTC) system. The tour attendees were given the opportunity to take a close look at the energy-absorption devices and sensors installed at various locations of the test car. The PTC presentation was held at the communications and train control (C&TC) test bed at the TTCi test track, which is the only CT&C test bed in North America. The 2012 Joint Rail Conference (JRC) will be held in Philadelphia in April 2012, and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Land Transportation Division (LTD) will take the lead in the planning of the major technical forum onrail engineering in North America.