Publications:Supporting real-time data traffic in safety-critical vehicle-to-infrastructure communication

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Title Supporting real-time data traffic in safety-critical vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
Author Annette Böhm and Magnus Jonsson
Year 2008
PublicationType Conference Paper
HostPublication 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2008. LCN 2008
Conference 33rd Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Montreal, CANADA, OCT 14-17, 2008
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Abstract Support for real-time traffic is crucial to many ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) safety applications. At the same time it is desirable to provide a number of non-safety services. In this paper, we propose a communication system for safety-critical V2I (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) communication based on an extension to the upcoming IEEE 802.11p MAC standard. Real-time analysis provides the tool to adapt the resources set aside for collision-free, safety-critical data traffic to the communication needs of the current number of supported vehicles. The remaining bandwidth is available to other services according to the contention-based random access method defined in the standard. The performance of the proposed concept is evaluated through a simulation analysis based on a merge assistance scenario supported by roadside infrastructure.