Publications:VDSL2 Multi-Processor System-on-Chip Design

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Title VDSL2 Multi-Processor System-on-Chip Design
Author Tomas Nordström and Göran Ökvist and Mikael Isaksson
Year 2009
PublicationType Conference Paper
Conference Extended abstract for Second Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing MCC09, Uppsala, Sweden, Nov. 26-27
Diva url
Abstract This paper reports on the experience from a heterogeneous multi-core design for Very high-rate Digital SubscriberLine version 2 (VDSL2) modems. Between 2006 and 2008 a ten person team designed a 42 core systemon-chip, which included seven unique processor-core designs. We describe the used design tools and our designmethodology based on utilizing multiple extendable processor cores. Our experience from designing such a demandingsignal processing application, using the suggested design methodology, proved that even a small designteam rapidly can design a very competitive and yet flexible system-on-chip design solution.