Publications:Vehicular ad-hoc networks to avoid surprise effects on sparsely trafficked, rural roads

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Title Vehicular ad-hoc networks to avoid surprise effects on sparsely trafficked, rural roads
Author Anette Böhm and Magnus Jonsson and Hossein Zakizadeh
Year 2011
PublicationType Conference Paper
Conference 10th Scandinavian Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (ADHOC'11), Stockholm, Sweden, May 10-11, 2011
Diva url
Abstract This paper summarizes the main results from a project focusing on the development and evaluation of communication protocols for inter-vehicle communication on sparsely trafficked, rural roads,ensuring the reliable and timely delivery of safety critical data. The project is motivated by traffic safety applications, especially warning systems to avoid surprise effects of unexpected vehicle encounters on sparsely-trafficked, rural roads. The key issue in suchan application is to make sure that the vehicles become aware of each other’s existence by the help of communication as soon as possible. The driver can then be warned in time to avoid a possible accident.The challenge is to gain high probabilities of successful delivery in time, especially when having to cope with bad communication performance caused by e.g. crests.