Vacancy for Ph.D. Student MBT 2015
Funded Ph.D. Position in Computer Science with focus on Model-Based Testing, Halmstad University, Sweden
The position is funded by the EFFEMBAC (Effective Model-Based Testing of Concurrent System) project, which is a project on combining model-based- and symbolic execution, funded by a project grant from the Swedish Research Council (VR).
The general objectives of our research agenda are summarized below:
· Using domain-specific abstractions as starting points for test models,
· Augmenting behavioral models with structural information from the implementation domain in order to generate effective concrete test-cases,
· Devising effective mechanized test-data-selection criteria, by integrating model- and implementation-based information as well as redefining test-adequacy in this hybrid setting,
· Enabling compositional testing for concurrent systems in order to manage complexity,
· Devising concrete design for testability guidelines for a semantic model of specification languages and translating them to examples of domain-specific languages.
The project will be carried out in collaboration with internationally renowned researchers from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Radboud University Nijmegen and Reykjavik University.
Terms of Employment
The position will be a 5-year Ph.D position (with a 1-year probation period).
The position is supposed to start on April 1, 2015, or any time later (within an interval of ca. 3 months) depending the availability of the candidate.
The selected candidate will perform research and assist in teaching at the Centre for Research on Embedded Systems at Halmstad University.
The teaching assistance load will be about 20% of the time (usually 1-2 courses in a year).
The salary level is fixed at ca. 25 SEK/month gross.
The employed candidate enjoys the usual rights of a university employee, such as pension and other social enumerations, as well as parental leave.
The position is intended for someone with a masters degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or closely related fields.
Desirable skills include expertise in formal methods, testing, software engineering, and programming languages.
Working Environment
The selected candidate will be performing research in a very vigorous and international research environment at the Center for Research on Embedded Systems (CERES) at Halmstad University.
For more information on CERES please see:
For more information on the Model-Based Testing research at CERES, please see:
Research in Model-Based Testing and Verification
Living Environment
Halmstad is a popular summer destination located on the Swedish west coast. It is situated in between two cosmopolitan areas: the Copenhagen-Malmo-Lund area and the Gothenburg area, making it a well-connected, yet a pleasantly calm place to live. It can be reached by a direct train connection from the Copenhagen Kastrup Airport, as well as many other local airports (e.g., Halmstad, Malmo, and Angelholm airports).
Sweden is well known for a very high quality of life and excellent social care facilities. There are excellent (incl. international) schools and day-cares around, as well as various recreational and entertainment facilities.
The working language is English and no knowledge of Swedish is required. Also for daily life, English is spoken widely and Sweden has one of the highest English proficiency levels in the world. If the student wishes to learn Swedish both the university and the local government provide extensive facilities.
Application Procedure and Deadlines
The application should comprise a single PDF file and should be received no later than March 1, 2015.
The application package shall consist of:
1. a cover letter stating the purpose of the application and a brief statement of why you believe that your goals and past experience are well-matched with the goals of this position,
2. a CV that includes at least
- a list of previous degrees, dates, and institution, transcripts for higher-education studies until most recent available
- a complete list of publications and a description of previous research and other work experience and links to online copies of the most important publications
3. contact information for three references.
We ask the candidates to send the required material to with a CC to ,
mentioning "Ph.D. Position EFFEMBAC" in the subject line.
Application must be received before 2015-03-01 to receive full consideration.
The expected starting date is 2015-04-01, but is negotiable depending on the successful candidate's conditions.
For further information, please contact Prof. Mohammad Mousavi (,
lab leader Dr. Jörgen Carlsson ( or head of school Dr. Magnus Hållander (
For employment terms, you may contact the representative of the labor union Kristina Hildebrand ( (representative of the union Saco-S) or Jenny Engström (representative of the union OFR/S). All can be reached at telephone +46 35-16 71 00 (switchboard).