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IFIP WG2.11, meeting schedule

#IP [[http://www.smart-generators.org/ Working Group 2.11]] Fifth Meeting
August 20-22, 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Business meeting

There will be a business meeting late Monday afternoon (August 20) for members only. The discussion will include the following administrative matters: * Should we collocate the meeting in 2008 with the WC conference? * Should we hold the meeting at all at this meeting? * Should we hold the meeting each 14 months instead of each 10? * Election of chair and vice chair.

Travel information

Some information about getting to the hotel is available [[http://smart-generators.org/M5Travel* here]].



  • Edwin Brady: A DSL for resource usage verification
  • Christoph Hermann: [[Media:hermann.pdf | Generalised algebraic data types for type-safe language embeddings ]]
  • Charles Consel: Pantachou
10:30-11:00: Break
  • Ewen Denney: [[Media:ProgGen_for_NGATS.ppt | Using Program Generation to Support V&V in the Next Generation Air Transportation System ]]
  • Olivier Danvy: [[Media:danvy.pdf | A connection between calculi with a strongly normalizing reduction strategy, abstract machines for strong normalization, and normalization functions as encountered in normalization by evaluation ]]
12:00-14:00: Lunch
  • Gunter Kniesel: [[Media:kniesel.pdf | Reusability of Software Transformations ]]
  • Ulrik Pagh Schultz: Domain-Specific Languages for Physically Interlocked Systems (aka modular embedded systems with interlocking physical connectors)
  • Eric Van Wyk: Composable Specifications of Syntax and Semantics for Extensible Languages
15:30-16:00: Break
16:00-17:30: Business meeting


  • Robert Glueck: A Reversible Programming Language
  • Ralf Laemmel: [[http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~laemmel/sle/wg211-copenhagen.pdf Who needs an engineer for software languages?]]
  • Julia Lawall: [[Media:lawall.pdf | Practical program transformation using temporal logic and model checking ]]
10:30-11:00: Break
  • Christian Lengauer: [[Media:lengauer.pdf | Feature Algebra ]]
  • Harold Ossher: Lightweight Program Generation to support Faceted Objects
12:00-14:00: Lunch
14:00-16:00: Discussion groups (see web page)
16:00-16:30: Break
  • Peter Sestoft: [[Media:sestoft.ppt | Zero-overhead aspects for .NET: The YIIHAW aspect weaver ]] (by Johansen and Spangenberg)
  • Chung-chieh Shan: [[Media:wg211-talk.pdf | Quotation and effects in natural language: three applications ]]
After dinner
  • Excursion to Copenhagen


  • Laurent Reveillere: Zebu
  • Yannis Smaragdakis: [[Media:mjpres.pdf | Morphing: Safely Shaping a Class in the Image of Others ]]
  • Eelco Visser: Domain-Specific Language Engineering. A Case Study in Agile DSL Development
10:30-11:00: Break
11:00-12:00: Demos
  • Eric Van Wyk: ableJ extensible Java framework.
12:00-14:00: Lunch
14:00-16:00: General discussion


How reusable are transformation modules?

Discussion proposed by Gunter Kniesel

Due to the success of Model Driven Engineering, transformations are becoming increasingly important as strategic softare artefacts. Therefore, their cost-effective development is crucial. However, my personal impression of the transformation approaches that I know is that they do not really support as-is reuse of transformation modules. I'd like to present a simple reuse scenario that illustrates my point and would like to ask the audience for their solutions in any approach that they know. The aim is to compile a list of reuse challenges and classify the existing approaches according to which challenges they are able to cope with.

Advantages and weaknesses of the industrial program generation approaches

Discussion proposed by Christoph Herrmann

This discussion will consider problems of industrial software generation and alternative approaches that provide automised, adaptable and scalable solutions regarding verification, correctness by construction, contracts, safety and resource guarantees. Please feel free to extend this description with topics that seem relevant.

[[Media:staged-calculi.pdf | Staging calculi ]]

Discussion proposed by Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan

Many formal calculi for staged programming have evolved over the last couple of decades. Some are typed; some support `run'; some allow cross-stage persistence; some are call-by-name and others are call-by-value; some are specified with big-step operational semantics and others with small-step. With hindsight, we should make these calculi more uniform and their features more orthogonal to each other, so that they are easier to study, mechanize, and extend (for example, to add side effects). This discussion will aim to: * compile a definite reference to staged calculi, to reduce rummaging through the literature: which calculus supersedes which, and how do they compare? * design, with the benefit of hindsight, a common calculus or calculi substrate, which at least shares notation, and to which features such as `run' can be added or removed; * design calculi that are good models of real implementations such as MetaOCaml; * compile a database of mechanized calculi.

Registration information

The fifth meeting will take place at the [[http://www.badehotellet.dk/uk/default.asp Drag�r Badehotel]].

In the second half of the same week, the [[http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/sas2007/ 14th International Static Analysis Symposium]] will take place just outside of Copenhagen.

For payment of the registration fee there are two options:

  • Payment by credit card. In this case, the cost will be $375. The registration form is available [[https://cohesion.rice.edu/Services/EventReg/?event=IF07 here]].

  • Payment by bank transfer. In this case, the cost will be 2000 Danish Kroners.
If you would like to pay by bank transfer, you should take the following into account:
  • The IBAN number is DK263000 4180 720278. The SWIFT code is DABADKKK. The bank is Danske Bank.

  • You must pay all associated fees, both for the sender and the receiver. You will need to check with your bank about how to do that.

  • You should clearly indicate that the receiver is "Julia Lawall -- IFIP working group".

  • If you register by bank transfer, send me an e-mail (julia @ diku.dk) letting me know that you have done so, and letting me know of any dietary preferences or other constraints.
Please register as soon as possible.

When you register, you should consider reserving your hotel room as well. Please send your requirements to julia @ diku.dk. The hotel is very near the airport, so if you can get a night flight, it should be possible to leave directly on the last day of the meeting.


Edwin Brady, Charles Consel, Olivier Danvy, Ewen Denney, Bernd Fischer, Robert Glueck, Kevin Hammond, Christoph Armin Herrmann, Oleg Kiselyov, Gunter Kniesel, Ralf Lammel, Julia Lawall, Christian Lengauer, Harold Ossher, Laurent Reveillere, Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Peter Sestoft, Chung-chieh Shan, Yannis Smaragdakis, Jorg Striegnitz, Eric Van Wyk, Eelco Visser

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