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IFIP WG2.11, meeting schedule

#IP [[http://www.smart-generators.org/ Working Group 2.11]] Seventh Meeting
April 15-17, 2009, Mountain View, California


[[https://cohesion.rice.edu/Services/EventReg/?event=IF09 Registration]]. The fee is $180. Please register by March 20.

Meeting schedule

Each day will start with coffee and light refreshments at 8:30, and end at 5pm at the latest. The meeting will end with lunch on Friday, April 17. For those who are still aroud, there will be a visit to the computer history museum in the afternoon.


The Hampton Inn is a decent business hotel with good access to downtown, costs about $130/night, and within walking distance of the venue. http://www.hamptoninn.com/en/hp/hotels/index.jhtml?ctyhocn=NUQCAHX Alternatively, you can stay at the NASA lodge, which is actually on the NASA campus: http://naccenter.arc.nasa.gov/lodging.html You will need to tell them which meeting you're attending, and show ID when you check in (you need ID to get into NASA anyway). Ask for the "main building", which is the nicer of the two.

Fly to either San Francisco (SFO) or San Jose (SJC). San Jose is closer but you will not be able to get a direct flight to Europe. If you have to change somewhere in the US, then you might as well fly to San Jose. There are usually evening/late afternoon flights out of SFO to the major European hubs. From SFO you can get the train to Mountain View. A taxi from SFO will cost about $120. A shared shuttle (bus not space) will be considerably less. From SJC, a taxi will be about $50. The meeting is being held at the NASA Ames Research Center, which is in Moffett field, a government base next to the city of Mountain View. To get to Mountain View from SFO you have 3 options: rental car, shuttle, Caltrain. If you're staying at the NASA lodge, then it's probably best to get a shuttle directly there (or drive) because you would still have to get from the train station in Mountain View to Moffett Field. Driving directions from SFO to Mountain View and Ames: [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=San+Francisco+airport&daddr=37404324,-122.068276+to:37.394744,-122.078426&hl=en&geocode=3BFTiZOgIdJju5-A&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=15&via=1&rtol=0,2&sll=37.400574,-122.076988&sspn=0.024376,0.038624&ie=UTF8&z=15 SFO -> Mountain View]] Walking directions: [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Moffett+Field+Nas&daddr=NACC+3BFXjdOgIdVZK5-&sll=37.412215,-122.057955&sspn=0.00513,0.012918&hl=en&mra=cc&rtol=0,1&dirflg=w&ie=UTF8&z=17 Lodge to NACC]] [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=37.395681,-122.07761&daddr=NACC+3BFXjdOgIdVZK5-A&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=16&rtol=1&dirflg=w&sll=37.395988,-122.0751&sspn=0.010927,0.015922&ie=UTF8&ll=37.404256,-122.066946&spn=0.020523,0.05167&z=15 Mountain View to NACC]] [[http://www.caltrain.com/caltrain_map.html Caltrain]] To get to the Caltrain station near the airport you have to first get to the BART station (the Bay Area metro system) and, depending on your terminal, you might have to first get the airport airtrain (http://www.flysfo.com/web/page/atsfo/airtrain/index.html). [[http://www.flysfo.com/web/page/tofrom/transp-serv/pubtrans/bar-pickup.html The SFO BART Station]] is located on the Departures/Ticketing Level of the International Terminal (Boarding Area G side). BART is easily accessed from any terminal by riding [[http://www.flysfo.com/web/page/atsfo/airtrain/map/index.html SFO's AirTrain]] to the Garage G/BART Station stop. So, to summarize: 1. AirTrain (depending on terminal), 2. BART: one stop from SFO to Millbrae, 3. Caltrain: from Millbrae to Mountain View (14 stops - about 1 hour). Depending on what train you get, it may not stop at all of them Make sure you get Caltrain and BART tickets '''before''' you get on the train. However, the connections are not wonderful so this is the best option if you are in particular need of cooling your posterior after a long flight. The Mountain View Caltrain station is in downtown. Shuttles: [[http://www.flysfo.com/web/page/tofrom/transp-serv/to-sb/dtd.html Shuttle information]] Shuttles, or "shared vans", are shared taxis that leave as soon as they're full. A "limousine" (not as nice as it sounds) is usually not shared, and offers a fixed price from the airport. But some shuttles call themselves limousines. Both shuttle and limousine drivers expect a tip. Shuttle Companies are constantly circling the inner circle of the SFO Complex. The airport tends not to be too busy during the late hours of a week night, but it will not be deserted. It is best to not give your bag to a driver until you have agreed on a price and how long the van will wait for other passengers before leaving. Best value shuttle: South and East Bay Shuttle Shared Shuttle: $39 minimal + $6 for each additional person at the airport and $22 minimal +$6 for each additional person if you reserve ahead of time or online Contact: www.southandeastbayairportshuttle.com (800) 548-4664 ? Local Number: (408) 225-4444 Good Alternative: Supershuttle Shared Shuttle: $39 minimal + 9 for each additional person at the airport and $32.00 + $9.00 each additional person if you reserve ahead of time or online. Contact: www.supershuttle.com (800)-BLUE-VAN - Local Numbers: (650) 558-8500, (408) 558-9500 These companies are also available if you're flying into San Jose (SJC). Other travel information is available [[http://ti.arc.nasa.gov/event/nfm09/travel/ here]]

Ride sharing

Please enter your arrival time here, if you would like to find others arriving at the same time, to share a ride. Chris Lengauer, April 14, at 21:45 on NW347 from Detroit. Departing April 18 from SFO at 08:20 on NW 340 Yannis Smaragdakis, arriving SFO, April 14 11:35pm on American 1575 from Dallas. Sven Apel, arriving SFO, April 14 13:05pm on KL 605 from Amsterdam Eric Van Wyk, arriving San Jose, April 14 at 7:17pm on flight NW 1078. Tony Sloane, arriving SFO, April 14 at 11:01am on UA0870 from Sydney Laurent Reveillere, arriving SFO, April 14 at 12:40pm on AF0084 from Paris Jacques Carette, arriving SFO, April 14 at 7:58PM on AC739 (UA8491) from Toronto. Krzysztof Czarnecki informs me he is on the same flight.


Registered so far: Apel, Bodik, Carette, Cook, Czarnecki, Denney, Fischer, Green, Herrmann, Kamin, Kelly, Kiselyov, Lawall, Lengauer, Lopes, R�veill�re, Shan, Sheard, Sloane, Smaragdakis, Smith, Stump, Taha, Van Wyk, Weirich


To enter your title and abstract, instantiate a copy of the code below, removing the "-"s between the [ [ and ] ], and filling in your name and the talk title. If you click on the link, it should give you the option to create a page on which you can enter your abstract. [-[http://smart-generators.org/M7Name*][Talk title]-] Name



9:15-12:00 [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Apel FeatureHouse: Language-Independent, Automated Software Composition]] Sven Apel [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Apel (slides)]] [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Czarnecki1* Implementing feature algebra in logics]] Krzysztof Czarnecki [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Czarnecki2* Lenses for code]] Krzysztof Czarnecki [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Hermann* Timing Verification of Hume Box Compositions via Abstractions in Agda2]] Christoph Herrmann 1:30-3:00 [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Kamin* Typing program generators using the record calculus]] Sam Kamin (with T. Baris Aktemur) [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Kamin* (slides)]] [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Weirich1 Adventures in Dependently-Typed Metatheory]] Stephanie Weirich [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Weirich1 (slides)]] 3:30-4:45 [[http://smart-generators.org/M7VanWyk* Verifiable Composition of Grammars]] Eric Van Wyk [[http://smart-generators.org/M7VanWyk* (slides)]] [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Sloane''' A Pure Object-Oriented Embedding of Attribute Grammars]] Tony Sloane [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Sloane''' (slides)]]


9:15-12:00 [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Kelly* SIMD and SIMT Code Generation for Visual Effects using indexed dependence metadata]] Paul H J Kelly [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Kelly* (slides)]] [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Lawall* Enforcing the Use of API Functions in Linux Code]] Julia Lawall [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Lawall* (slides)]] [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Reveillere* Automatic Generation of Network Protocol Gateways]] Laurent R�veill�re [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Cook* Slice, Partition, and Reforest for Data Access and Distribution]] William R. Cook [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Cook* (slides)]] 1:30-3:00 [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Smith1* Calculating Refinements in Algorithm and System Design]] Doug Smith [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Carrette* Modern Mechanized Mathematics]] Jacques Carette [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Carrette* (slides)]] 3:30-4:45 [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Shan* Self-applicable probabilistic inference without interpretive overhead]] Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Shan* (slides)]] [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Stump* Purifying Natural Deduction Using Sequent Calculus]] Aaron Stump [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Stump* (slides)]]


9:15-12:00 [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Sheard* Sparse Bitmaps for pattern match coverage]] Tim Sheard [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Smaragdakis''' Expressive and Safe Static Reflection with MorphJ]] Yannis Smaragdakis [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Smaragdakis''' (slides)]] [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Bodik''' Program Synthesis by Sketching]] Rastislav Bodik [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Bodik''' (slides)]] [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Taha* Java Mint]] Walid Taha [[http://smart-generators.org/M7Taha* (slides)]]