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IFIP [Working Group 2.11] Kickoff Meeting

Preliminary Schedule

May 16-18, 2004, St. Emilion, France

Sunday 10:00

Departure from Bordeaux. Departure from the bus stop on allees de Munich aux Quinconces (2 minutes walk from the hotel). Bus company "VOYAGES ARRIVE".

Sunday 1:30-3:45

Feature interactions in feature oriented programming

Don Batory

[Revisiting optimization for compute-intensive codes in the context of program generation and adaptive libraries.]

Albert Cohen, INRIA Futurs

[A DSL for telephony services ]

Charles Consel, INRIA Futurs

[Analyzing Stack and Heap Bounds for Primitive Recursive Programs in PR-Hume ]

Kevin Hammond, University of St Andrews

Sunday 4:15-6:45

[TaskGraph Library: A Metaprogramming Tool for Specifying Optimisation as a Separate Concern]

Olav Beckmann, Imperial College of Science

[Jumbo: Run-time Program Generation for Java]

Samuel Kamin, University of Illinois

[Veneer: a dynamic domain-specific optimisation framework for Java ]

Paul H J Kelly, Imperial College London

[A language-based approach to the development of safe operating system extensions ]

Julia Lawall, University of Copenhagen (demo)

Sunday 8:00


Monday 8:45-10:30

[WG 2.11 Activities at the University of Passau]

Christian Lengauer, Universit't of Passau

[Aspects and Beyond]

Cristina Lopes, University of California

[Monadic Metalanguages for Staging and Name Management]

Eugenio Moggi, DISI, Univ. di Genova

Monday 11-12:15

[Tools for Equational Reasoning in Haskell]

John O'Donnell, University of Glasgow

[The Concern Manipulation Environment]

Harold Ossher, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (demo)

Monday 1:45-3:45

[Generation of programs with proofs]

Christine Paulin, Universit' Paris Sud


Marc Pouzet

[Towards combining Programming Languages and Logics ]

Tim Sheard, OGI /OHSU (demo)

Monday 4:15-6:00

[Generating AspectJ Programs with Meta-AspectJ]

Yannis Smaragdakis, Georgia Tech

[MetaOCaml: Putting multi-stage annotations to work]

Walid Taha, Rice University

Compilers for active libraries

Todd Veldhuizen, Chalmers University

Monday 6:30

Tour of St. Emilion.

Monday 8:00


Tuesday 9-11:30


Tuesday 12:00

Lunch will begin at 12:00 sharp.