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+ Teaching Program Generation=
Getting program generation accepted and used starts with teaching our students.
- How should we incorporate program generation in the computer science curriculum?
This session gives room for expressing views and reflecting on experience.
Issues include:
- experience with teaching courses on/involving program generation
- place in the curriculum (wrt other material)
- theoretical and conceptual framework
- tools
- course organization
- topics and their relative priority (what is important)
- suitable example domains
- books
- meta languages
- typing
- other guarantees
-++ Existing Courses==
- Martin Erwig
- Program Synthesis - Berkeley
- Julia Lawall - DSLs
- Walid Taha - MSP
- Crista Lopes - Irvine
- Programming Languages 2 (PL2)
- http://www.ics.uci.edu/~lopes/teaching/inf102W06/index.html
- Reflection
- Ruby
- Peter Sestoft
- run-time code generation
- ML as meta-language (difficult to learn)
- future: scheme as meta-language
- Paul Kelly
- Compiler Construction
- Advanced Computer Architecture
- Eelco Visser
- Program transformation
- Software generation and configuration
- Tim Sheard
- staged programming
- http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~sheard/course/stagedcomp/index.html
-++ Domains==
- Compilers
- J2EE
- Linear Transforms (FFTW, Spiral)
- Web programming
- Language processing
- regular expressions
- grammars
- Databases
- database binding
- Functional reactive programming
- Pan (Conal Elliot)
- Haskore
- User interface generators
- Hardware synthesis
- Lava
--++ Issues==
- Binding
- Variable capture
- Hygienic macros
- Concrete syntax
- Staged computation
- Partial evaluation
- Binding time
- binding time analysis
++ Techniques==
- Reflection
- Introspection
- Parsing
- Template languages
- String Template
- Wizards
++ Technologies==
- Dynamic (scripting) languages
- Ruby
- Scheme
- Staged languages
- Template Haskell
- Google web toolkit
--+ Course Outlines=
Here are some actual, proposed, or imagined outlines for courses involving elements of program generation.
--++ Eelco Visser - Software Engineering 2==
Goal: learn students how to abstract programming patterns into domain-specific languages.
- Part I : Using DSLs
- Discuss examples of DSLs in real life
- regular expressions
- context-free grammars
- rewrite rules
- web DSLs
- database DSLs (SQL)
- workflow
- Considerations
- explanation of domains should not take over the course
- Lab
- Experiment with some of these in practical exercises
- Discuss examples of DSLs in real life
- Part II : Developing DSLs (DSL Engineering)
- Syntax and semantics
- an intro into language definition
- DSL design
- domain engineering
- what goes into the DSL?
- language design issues
- Implementation techniques
- term rewriting
- graph rewriting
- model transformation
- attribute grammars
- syntax embedding
- reflection (Ruby, Python)
- DSL definitions as modules
- Lab
- Implement a (couple of) (simple) DSL(s)
- Syntax and semantics
- Part III : Limitations of DSLs
- flexibility / adaptability of generated code
- hygienic code generation / variable capture
- modularity / separate compilation
- retargetability of generators
--++ Sam Kamin - Program Generation==
Proposed (and extremely tentative) course on program generation, upper-level undergrad level
- I. Uses of program generation and transformation
- A. Textual abstraction as a kind of program abstraction
- 1. Programs as collections of fragments
- 2. Product-line architectures; components
- 3. Synthesis of programs from specifications
- B. The cost of abstraction
- 1. The cost of generality in libraries
- C. Overcoming the cost of abstraction
- 1. Gaining efficiency through program generation/transformation
- 2. The importance of domain knowledge
- D. Domain-specific languages
- A. Textual abstraction as a kind of program abstraction
- II. Example domains (need to be accompanied by concrete examples)
- A. Generating ADT code (catamorphism-type stuff)
- B. Building database programs (generating classes for db schemas)
- C. Scientific computing - FFT, matrix operations, simulation
- D. Language-based examples - lexical analysis, parsing, interpreters, compilers
- E. Building DSL's
- III. Tools (need to be accompanied by programming exercises)
- A. Static, "ad hoc" program generation (e.g. using Ruby)
- i. Static reflection
- B. Dynamic program generation (e.g. using Jumbo)
- C. Program transformation tools (e.g. Stratego)
- D. Safe program generators (e.g. MetaOCaml)
- A. Static, "ad hoc" program generation (e.g. using Ruby)
++ Crista Lopes - Programming Language 2==
I'm redesigning the course to have less stuff, but more of the things that stay in. It will be something like this:
- Meta-circular interpreter (in Scheme)
- Declarative programming
- logic programming (in Scheme)
- AOP (maybe?) (in Scheme)
- OOP inside (Ruby)
- Reflection (Ruby) -- this is the part that is more related to program generation
- Markup languages
This is a programming languages course, hence the focus on PLs. For a software engineering, enabler tools kind of course, I would do something different. I would have to think a lot more...
++ Paul Kelly==
Proposal: Course in
- Software Synthesis and Metaprogramming
- Students: Master's level, with some industrial experience
- Objectives: Students should gain an understanding of key principles in the application and design of software that generates and manipulates programs.
This outline presents a large picture; the challenge is to identify from these topics the taxonomy, central theoretical ideas, and software engineering principles.
- Introduction:
- Motivation via a small variety of compelling examples.
- Some large "industrial scale", others open-source and available for hands-on experience and understanding.
- Analysis:
- Reflection (eg in Java, Ruby),
- Code query languages (Codequest etc).
- Aspects and aspect weavers:
- Pointcuts (as reflection, as queries),
- advice (as generation),
- safety; safety holes in AspectJ.
- Aspects as features.
- Aspect composition.
- Generators:
- Macros,
- name capture.
- Static, dynamic: quoting and binding times
- Runtime generation.
- Type-safe program generation.
- Partial evaluation; on-line versus offline.
- Binding time analysis, binding-time improvement.
- Jones optimality?
- Domain-specific generators, domain-specific languages:
- Language embedding;
- syntactic issues, types and binding issues.
- Single source, multiple interpretation.
- Features, product lines, architectures and components:
- Feature mapping and refactoring.
- Feature interaction.
- Architecture description languages.
- Adaptive component architectures, reflective middleware.
++ Peter Sestoft==
Outline of a course fragment on program generation Peter Sestoft 2006-10-27
Course prerequisites: Prior to the course, students are assumed to know Java (or C#) and reflection.
Some prerequisites filled by earlier modules of the course itself:
- Abstract machines, including the JVM and/or .NET bytecode
- Introductory Scheme
- Explain that program generation is used a lot (J2EE interfaces, Java Server Pages, PHP, object-relational mappers, ...).
- Explain the main purposes:
- Avoid writing boilerplate code, and obtain performance (space, time) by generating specialized code.
- Using small two-parameter examples (see below),
- introduce the concept of binding time (static and dynamic),
- where static computations can be performed early, in a generator,
- and dynamic operations are to be performed late, in the generated code.
- Mention the concept of a partial evaluator and generating extension,
- and that the generating extension of an interpreter is a compiler.
- Etc.
- Show textual source code generation using print-statements, to demystify the concept.
- Explain that this is impractical.
- Show code generation in Scheme using backquote and comma.
- Point out the challenges of always generating syntactically well-formed code and using only variables that are in scope.
- (Correct static typing of the generated code does not enter the picture in Scheme, only when generating bytecode below).
- Show runtime code generation in Scheme using the above and eval.
- Show runtime code generation in Java (or C#) using BCEL or .NET's System.Reflection.Emit.
- Point out that this is exactly analogous to runtime code generation in Scheme,
- only it looks far more complicated and is more difficult to debug.
- Point out that there is a general idea in the above: Staged computation or two-level languages, and that there are many research prototypes of such languages: MetaOCaml, Jumbo, DynJava, Metaphor, ...
Some simple motivating examples
Polynomial evaluation c_0 + c_1 x + c_2 x^2 + ...
double PolyEval(double[] cs, double x)
The power function x^n
double Power(int n, double x)
Generating terms of the Taylor series for exp(x)
AES (Rijndael) encryption algorithm
byte[] Encrypt(Key key, byte[] block)
Sparse matrix multiplication
++ Martin Bravenboer==
Program Generation
I like the idea of modules provided by different people in the community. It probably won't happen, but it would be a good thing.
- Introducing: motivating examples
- Lack of abstraction (Enterprise, boilerplate stuff)
- Lack of performance (creepy numerical stuff etc)
- Cross-cutting concerns
- Variability (Conditional code)
- Design issues
- Patterns, when and how to develop DSLs
- Domain knowledge
- Concepts and principles
- Static and dynamic reflection
- Code as input of program generation
- Attribute-oriented techniques
- Probably illustrated by Ruby
- Mirrors
- Programming language concepts:
- Binding time
- Hygiene, scope, shadowing, etc
- Partial evaluation and multi-staging techniques
- Syntax for abstractions: what's the input of a code generator?
- Domain-specific languages
- Models, meta-models
- Text, grammars
- Code: reflection
- Solutions
- Unfortunately, there are far too many solutions, Ideally, the various angles of attack should be illustrated in a single language/environment to make comparision and comprehension easier. However, that will be difficult to realize.
- Macros, templates, C++, Scheme etc.
- Software transformation systems: rewriting rules
- Extensible compilers, Silver, Forwarding
- Template systems
- Embedded DSLs: Converge, Haskell, MetaBorg, etc
- Writing interpreters, compilers
- Run-time code generators, such as Jumbo, .NET compiler API, Java stuff etc.
- From Ruby to Jumbo to type-safe code generators
- Reflective systems, such as Ruby, Smalltalk, Reflex
-+ Notes from the Meeting=
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Crista Lopes
- Teaches course on Reflection
- Scheme for interpreters
- Ruby is highly recommended
- very cute
- meta-object architecture
- no environment
- untyped programming language
- based on Ruby for reflection
- assignment based on Ruby on Rails
- Reflection versus AST
- Easier to teach then reflection
- Dynamic reflection (beyond static reflection)
- Mirrors paper based on OOPSLA based on Smalltalk (Bracha)
- Using search engines for finding code
- Lopes: teach how to use other components/tools/libraries rather than learning all the details of how to do it yourself
- Fit together
- Paul: Let them play
Peter Sestoft
- Teaches course on Programming Language Concepts
- Standard ML
- Scheme
- easier for students
- more versatile
- Interpreters
- Compilers
- Code generation
- printf
- Scheme
- Run-time code generation
- .NET
- Principles:
- Binding time
- show in generator example
Paul Kelly
- Teaches course on Compilers
- Compulsary with some motivation issues
- Based on Haskell
- Simple imperative language
- Optimization, back-end
- Teaches course on Advanced Computer Architecture
- Numerical algorithms
- Optimization based on computer architure
- Opinions:
- Program generation not necessarily difficult
- It's a means of learning students about programming languages
- Principles:
- Variable capture, hygienic mcacros
- How are object-oriented languages implemented?
Sam Kamin
- Teaches course on Programming Languages: Concepts and Implementation
- ML as meta-language
- Programming paradigms
- Ideas for a course
- General concepts and motivation
- Examples from different domains
- Tools: from Ruby, to Jumbo, to type-safe code generators
- Teach students about abstractions
- Programming patterns motivate DSLs
- ADTs
- Templates
- DSLs
- Principles:
- Partial evaluation
- Let students crash first, then: how to do it right.
- Teaches course on Program Transformation
- Stratego
- Study various transformations
- Problem: not enough time for the concepts
- Present examples of existing DSLs
- Sam: presenting polished DSLs does not illustrate the problems
Martin Bravenboer
- Opinions
- Where do we actually produce code from?
- Front-end:
- reflection
- modelling
- text, parsing, grammars
- When to develop a DSL?
- Design issues is more important
- Doing the actual program generation is a small task
- Techniques and tools less important
- Design patterns for DSLs
- "this could use some DSL"
- Suggestion
- Reuse modules created by experts
- Should we teach crazy wacky ideas?
- Don't know if it is a good thing or bad thing
- Might be good
- Courses on Program generation
- Martin Erwik (?)
- Program synthesis at Berkley
- Julia Lawall
- Domain-specific languages
- MSP course:
- Walid could contribute a module
- Don Batory
- Tim Sheard - staged computation
- Courses Aspect-Oriented Programming:
- Probably too many
- Personal statement by Lopes: AspectJ sucks, so I don't want to give a course about it ;)
- Principles:
- Kolmorov Complexity
- Binding time is an important concept to teach
Example domains
- Spiral
- Web programming (Ruby)
- Performance things like loop unrolling, matrix multiplication, sorting
- Enterprise, database, EJB
- e.g. Ruby on Rails
- Interpreters and parsers
- regular expressions?
- Funtional reatice programming: hascore / Pan / Fran / Lava, hardware synthesis
- Javascript stuff: Google Web Toolkit / JSAN