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Discussion on teaching program generation and DSLs

Ulrik Schultz

The goal of this discussion is to share experience regarding teaching program generation and domain-specific languages. The goal is to establish a shared repository of knowledge e.g. stored on the wiki. We will split into a number of smaller groups that will discuss specific topics, at the end each group will summarize their results and provide a complete account on the
wiki. Suggested topics are

  • successful approaches to teaching program generation or domain-specific languages (prepare a 5-minute account of what works well, or alternatively 1-minute account of what not to do if it did not work so well)
  • motivating examples, both perspectives and exercises (e.g., code generation for Airbus is a perspective whereas GUI generation could be an exercise)
  • literature list: seminal papers, useful textbooks, exciting papers

Please email Ulrik (ups@mmmi.sdu.dk) if you have more suggestions.