From WG 2.11
Revision as of 09:20, 1 December 2011 by Twiki (talk) (Created page with "Category:WG211 =Discussion on teaching program generation and DSLs= ==Ulrik Schultz== The goal of this discussion is to share experience regarding teaching program generat...")
Discussion on teaching program generation and DSLs
Ulrik Schultz
The goal of this discussion is to share experience regarding teaching program generation and domain-specific languages. The goal is to establish a shared repository of knowledge e.g. stored on the wiki. We will split into a number of smaller groups that will discuss specific topics, at the end each group will summarize their results and provide a complete account on the
wiki. Suggested topics are
- successful approaches to teaching program generation or domain-specific languages (prepare a 5-minute account of what works well, or alternatively 1-minute account of what not to do if it did not work so well)
- motivating examples, both perspectives and exercises (e.g., code generation for Airbus is a perspective whereas GUI generation could be an exercise)
- literature list: seminal papers, useful textbooks, exciting papers
Please email Ulrik (ups@mmmi.sdu.dk) if you have more suggestions.