[hide]IFIP Working Group 2.11, Twentieth Meeting
Febuary 17-20th in Paris, France
The meeting will be held in Paris, France, hosted by Julia Lawall.
The meeting will last 3.5 days; the first three days will be full-day, whereas the last day will be a half-day session.
LIP6, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
room 25-26/105
When you arrive at the Jussieu metro station (either because you took the metro or on foot), follow everyone else into the university. You will need to open any bags. Make a sharp left, such that you are walking parallel to the street. Enter tower 26. Sometimes the first door you come to does not open. Just walk around the tower to find another door or take the elevator. Go to the first floor (2 flights of stairs). Look for the hallway marked 25-26, and then take the door at the immediate right. The hallway door requires a key. I will monitor it one hour before the meeting starts. If you arrive late, send an email. Eduroam is available.
From CDG: RER B to St Michel, and then line 10 to Jussieu (direction Gare d'Austerlitz). The metro station is actually called Cluny-La Sorbonne, but it can be reached from the St Michel RER station without going outside. This trip can be done with a single ticket (10.30 euros). It takes around 1 hour.
From Orly also takes about an hour, but is less convenient.
From the Gare du Nord, you can also take the RER B line to St Michel and then line 10 to Jussieu. In this case, you just need an ordinary metro ticket.
From the Gare de l'Est, you can take line 7 to Jussieu, with no changes. From the Gare de Lyon, you can walk (around 20 minutes).
The Hotel Minerve is suggested. There are other hotels nearby, on the rue des Ecoles or the rue Linne. For other accomodations, consider staying near metro line 10 or metro line 7.
The cost of the registration will be 300 euros. The registration site is now open: https://congres.upmc.fr/ifip2020/
The registration fee covers lunch, dinner, and snacks on February 17-19, and snacks on February 20.
Members: please add yourself here (in alphabetical order by last name) or email a chair-person to be added. [Guests will be added by chair-people]
Edwin Brady, Jacques Carette, Ewen Denney, Bernd Fischer, Robert Glück, Kevin Hammond, Atsushi Igarashi (until Wednesday lunch), Yukiyoshi Kameyama, Paul Kelly, Oleg Kiselyov, Julia Lawall, Christian Lengauer, Geoff Mainland, Antoine Mine (Monday and Wednesday), Peter Mosses, Markus Püschel (arrival: late afternoon Monday, departure: late afternoon Wednesday, due to teaching) Christoph Reichenbach, Bodo Scholz, Matthew Taylor, Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Eelco Visser, Jeremy Yallop, Vadim Zaytzev
See below for schedule, note that the actual scheduling of talks will not be available until the meeting starts. Members: please add yourself and your topic, alphabetical order by last name:
- Edwin Brady Quantitative Type Theory in Idris 2
- Bernd Fischer TBD
- Robert Glück On Inversion of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems
- Atsushi Igarashi Full-spectrum Dependent-types for Multi-Stage Programming
- Yukiyoshi Kameyama Language-Integrated Query with Nested Data Structures and Grouping
- Paul Kelly Intermediate representations in DSLs for solving PDEs
- Oleg Kiselyov Session Types without Sophistry: Practical embedding of DSLs with sophisticated type systems
- Geoff Mainland SPIRAL in Haskell
- Antoine Mine: Combinations of Reusable Abstract Domains in the MOPSA Static Analyzer
- Peter Mosses Modular SOS and static semantics
- Markus Püschel Fast Polyhedra Domain Analysis (Tuesday anytime or Wednesday before lunch please)
- Christoph Reichenbach Combining Pattern Matching and Datalog in MetaDL
- Sven-Bodo Scholz Tensor Comprehensions in SaC
- Ulrik Pagh Schultz Coarse-grained Computational Energy Modeling for Autonomous Systems
- Matthew Taylor Late-bound code generation (short talk)
- Eelco Visser Constructing Hybrid Incremental Compilers for Cross-Module Extensibility with an Internal Build System
- Jeremy Yallop Certified Optimisation of Stream Operations Using Heterogeneous Staging
- Vadim Zaytsev BabyCOBOL: The Challenge to Program Generation Tool Developers
We will follow our usual format of interactive talks with an active audience, using a chess clock for timing, as follows. For each talk the speaker and the audience each get at most 25 minutes. The audience does not have to wait until the end of a talk to ask questions; interaction and discussion is encouraged. (But experience from previous meeting shows that it is useful to let the speaker at least finish their introduction before interrupting.) To ensure fairness, administration of the time used by each party is done using a chess clock. Operation of the clock rotates among participants. Both speakers and audience are expected to contribute to make talks and discussions engaging, interesting, and useful. Therefore, we observe a policy of no use of electronic devices during talks (other than the device the speaker uses to present slides). Bring paper and pen for making notes.
Program / schedule
Scientific program
Monday, February 17:
- 8:45 - 10:30: Welcome and 2 talks
- 9:00: Jeremy Yallop Certified Optimisation of Stream Operations Using Heterogeneous Staging
- 9:45: Atsushi Igarashi Full-spectrum Dependent-types for Multi-Stage Programming
- 10:30 - 11:15: Break
- 11:15 - 12:00: 1 talk
- 11:15: Christoph Reichenbach Combining Pattern Matching and Datalog in MetaDL
- 12:00 - 14:00: Lunch
- 14:00 - 15:30: 2 talks
- 14:00: Antoine Mine: Combinations of Reusable Abstract Domains in the MOPSA Static Analyzer
- 14:45: Sven-Bodo Scholz Tensor Comprehensions in SaC
- 15:30 - 16:15: Break
- 16:15 - 17:00: 1 talk
- 16:15: Vadim Zaytsev BabyCOBOL: The Challenge to Program Generation Tool Developers
- 19:30: Dinner at the Buisson Ardent (across the street from the meeting location)
Tuesday, February 18:
- 9:00 - 10:30: Welcome and 2 talks
- 9:00: Ulrik Pagh Schultz Coarse-grained Computational Energy Modeling for Autonomous Systems
- 9:45: Markus Püschel Fast Polyhedra Domain Analysis
- 10:30 - 11:15: Break
- 11:15 - 12:00: 1 talk
- 11:15: Robert Glück On Inversion of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems
- 12:00 - 14:00: Lunch
- 14:00 - 15:15: 2 talks
- 14:00: Geoff Mainland SPIRAL in Haskell
- 14:45: Matthew Taylor Late-bound code generation
- 16:30: Excursion: Visit to the CNAM Museum. 60 rue Réaumur, Metro: Arts-et-Métiers, Réaumur-Sébastopol. Dinner at the Villa Maasai. 9 boulevard des Italiens, Metro Richelieu-Druot
Wednesday, February 19:
- 9:00 - 10:30: Welcome and 2 talks
- 9:00: Paul Kelly Intermediate representations in DSLs for solving PDEs
- 9:45: Peter Mosses Modular SOS and static semantics
- 10:30 - 11:15: Break
- 11:15 - 12:00: 1 talk
- 12:00 - 14:00: Lunch
- 14:00 - 15:30: 2 talks
- 14:00: Edwin Brady Quantitative Type Theory in Idris 2
- 14:45: Eelco Visser Constructing Hybrid Incremental Compilers for Cross-Module Extensibility with an Internal Build System
- 15:30 - 16:00: Break
- 16:00 - 17:30: Business Meeting, members only
- 19:30: Dinner at the Louis Vins 9 Rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, a short walk from the meeting location
Thursday, February 20:
- 9:00 - 10:30: 2 talks
- 9:00: 20th Meeting Retrospective
- 9:45: Bernd Fischer TBD
- 10:30 - 11:00: Break
- 11:00 - 12:00: 1 talk
- 11:00: Yukiyoshi Kameyama Language-Integrated Query with Nested Data Structures and Grouping
Social events
February 17: Dinner at the Buisson Ardent (across the street from the meeting location)
February 18: Visit to the CNAM Museum starting at 4:30pm. 60 rue Réaumur, Metro: Arts-et-Métiers, Réaumur-Sébastopol. Dinner at the Villa Maasai. 9 boulevard des Italiens, Metro Richelieu-Druot
February 19: Dinner at the Louis Vins 9 Rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève, a short walk from the meeting location
Lunch on February 17-19 will be served at the meeting location.
Lunch on February 20 will be at the Arbre à Cannelle, 14 Rue Linné as 12:15.