Predicting Energy Consumption for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (in collaboration with Volvo)

Title Predicting Energy Consumption for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (in collaboration with Volvo)
Summary Develop machine learning methods to forecast energy consumption for heavy-duty vehicles
TimeFrame Fall 2023
References Koprinska, I., Wu, D., & Wang, Z. (2018, July). Convolutional neural networks for energy time series forecasting. In 2018 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

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Supervisor Yuantao Fan, Mahmoud Rahat
Level Master
Status Internal Draft

This project will explore and develop machine learning methods to predict energy consumption for commercial heavy-duty vehicles, e.g. city buses and electric trucks. Interesting research topics include: i) exploring deep neural networks (e.g. CNNs, RNNs, or GNNs) for time-series forecasting; ii) fleet-based regression and interactive clustering; iii) learning energy consumption using spatial-temporal data in a grid map setting.