Yuantao Fan
Yuantao Fan, PhD. Candidate, M.Sc.
Family Name: Fan
Given Name: Yuantao
Role: PhD. Candidate
Title: M.Sc.
Subject: Learning Systems
Email: yuantao.fan@hh.se
Cell Phone:
Subject areas: Vehicle Diagnostics, Data Mining
Application areas: Intelligent Vehicles
Projects: In4Uptime
Journal publications registered in DiVA
Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson (2020). Transfer learning for remaining useful life prediction based on consensus self-organizing models.
Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson (2020). Transfer learning for remaining useful life prediction based on consensus self-organizing models..
Xudong Teng, Xin Zhang, Yuantao Fan, Dong Zhang (2019). Evaluation of Cracks in Metallic Material Using a Self-Organized Data-Driven Model of Acoustic Echo-Signal. Applied Sciences. 9(1)
Yuantao Fan, Maytheewat Aramrattana, Saeed Gholami Shahbandi, Hassan Mashad Nemati, Björn Åstrand (2016). Infrastructure Mapping in Well-Structured Environments Using MAV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9716, pp. 116-126
Hassan Mashad Nemati, Yuantao Fan, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez (2016). Hand Detection and Gesture Recognition Using Symmetric Patterns. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 642, pp. 365-375
Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson (2015). Evaluation of Self-Organized Approach for Predicting Compressor Faults in a City Bus Fleet. Procedia Computer Science. 53, pp. 447-456
Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson (2015). Incorporating Expert Knowledge into a Self-Organized Approach for Predicting Compressor Faults in a City Bus Fleet. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 278, pp. 58-67
Conference publications registered in DiVA
Jennifer David, Wojciech Mostowski, Maytheewat Aramrattna, Yuantao Fan, Mahsa Varshosaz, Patrick Karlsson, Marcus Roden, Anders Bogga, Jakob Carlsen, Emil Johansson, Emil Andersson (2019). Design and Development of a Hexacopter for the Search and Rescue of a Lost Drone. IROS 2019 - Workshop on Challenges in Vision-based Drones Navigation, Macau, China, November 8, 2019.
Ece Calikus, Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk, Anita Sant'Anna (2019). Interactive-cosmo : Consensus self-organized models for fault detection with expert feedback. 1st Workshop on Interactive Data Mining, WIDM 2019, co-located with 12th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, WSDM 2019, Melbourne, Australia; 15 February, 2019.
Ece Calikus, Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk, Anita Sant'Anna (2019). Interactive-cosmo: Consensus self-organized models for fault detection with expert feedback. Workshop on Interactive Data Mining, The International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.
Kunru Chen, Sepideh Pashami, Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk (2019). Predicting Air Compressor Failures Using Long Short Term Memory Networks. The 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019.
Martin Cooney, Sepideh Pashami, Anita Sant'Anna, Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk (2018). Pitfalls of Affective Computing : How can the automatic visual communication of emotions lead to harm, and what can be done to mitigate such risks?. The Web Conference 2018 (WWW '18), Lyon, France, April 23-27, 2018.
Sławomir Nowaczyk, Anita Sant'Anna, Ece Calikus, Yuantao Fan (2018). Monitoring equipment operation through model and event discovery. Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2018, 19th International Conference, Madrid, Spain, November 21–23, 2018.
Simon Thelin, Oskar Svensson, Stefan Byttner, Yuantao Fan (2017). Indirect Tire Monitoring System - Machine Learning Approach. CAR 2017 - The International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering.
Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson, Eric Aislan Antonelo (2016). Predicting Air Compressor Failures with Echo State Networks. Third European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2016, Bilbao, Spain, 5-8 July, 2016.
Xudong Teng, Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk (2016). Evaluation of Micro-flaws in Metallic Material Based on A Self-Organized Data-driven Approach. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 20-22, 2016.
Yuantao Fan, Sławomir Nowaczyk, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson (2014). Using Histograms to Find Compressor Deviations in Bus Fleet Data. The Swedish AI Society (SAIS) Workshop 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, May 22-23, 2014.