Publications:A pneumatic loudspeaker for intensive sounds


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Title A pneumatic loudspeaker for intensive sounds
Author Ulf Holmberg and Wolfgang Svensson
Year 2001
PublicationType Conference Paper
Conference 6th European Control Conference (ECC 2001), Porto, Portugal, September 4-7, 2001
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Abstract A pneumatic loudspeaker for intensive sounds is presented. It operates by modulation of air from over- and underpressure reservoirs, as opposed to siren-like loudspeakers that use compressed air only. The symmetric construction makes the behavior more linear both with respect to aperture amplitudes and frequency bandwidth. Therefore, it may be used as secondary source in industrial active noise control problems where generation of large volume velocities are necessary. It is also shown that a Hammerstein model can model the loudspeaker over a wide frequency band. © 2001 EUCA.