Ulf Holmberg
Ulf Holmberg, Professor, PhD
Family Name: Holmberg
Given Name: Ulf
Role: Professor
Title: PhD
Subject: Control Theory
Email: ulf.holmberg@hh.se
Phone: +46-35-167142
Cell Phone:
Subject areas: Mechatronics
Application areas:
Journal publications registered in DiVA
Kristoffer Lidström, Katrin Sjöberg, Ulf Holmberg, Johan Andersson, Fredrik Bergh, Mattias Bjäde, Spencer Mak (2012). A modular CACC system integration and design. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print). 13(3), pp. 1050-1061
Wolfgang Svensson, Ulf Holmberg (2010). Estimating Ground Inclination Using Strain Sensors with Fourier Series Representation. Journal of Robotics. 2010, pp. 1-8
Nicholas Wickström, Stefan Byttner, Ulf Holmberg (2005). Robust tuning of Individual Cylinders AFR in SI Engines with the Ion Current. SAE Transactions. 114(03), pp. 48-52
Ulf Holmberg, Magnus Hellring (2003). A Simple Virtual Sensor for Combustion Timing. Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement, and Control. 125(3), pp. 462-467
S. Valentinotti, B. Srinivasan, Ulf Holmberg, D. Bonvin, C. Cannizzaro, M. Rhiel, U. von Stockar (2003). Optimal operation of fed-batch fermentations via adaptive control of overflow metabolite. Control Engineering Practice. 11(6), pp. 665-674
Ulf Holmberg (2001). Comments on “A Revisit to the Gain and Phase Margins ofLinear Quadratic Regulators”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 46(9), pp. 1508-1509
Magnus Hellring, Ulf Holmberg (2001). A Comparison of Ion Current Based Algorithms for Peak Pressure Position Control. SAE technical paper series.
Ulf Holmberg, S. Valentinotti, D. Bonvin (2000). An identification-for-control procedure with robust performance. Control Engineering Practice. 8(10), pp. 1107-1117
Magnus Hellring, Ulf Holmberg (2000). An ion current based peak-finding algorithm for pressure peak position estimation. SAE technical paper series.
Yves Piguet, Ulf Holmberg, Roland Longchamp (1999). Minimax approach for multi-objective controller design using multiple models. International Journal of Control. 72(7/8), pp. 716-726
Martin Dimmler, Arnaud Tisserand, Ulf Holmberg, Roland Longchamp (1999). On-line arithmetic for real-time control of microsystems. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics. 4(2), pp. 213-217
Conference publications registered in DiVA
Ulf Holmberg, Dominique Bonvin (2015). A pole-projection approach to robust control design. 1999 European Control Conference, ECC 1999, Karlsruhe, Germany, 31 August-3 September, 1999.
Stefan Byttner, Ulf Holmberg (2008). Closed-loop control of EGR using ion currents. 27th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, 11-13 February, 2008, Innsbruck, Austria.
Wolfgang Svensson, Ulf Holmberg (2008). Ground angle estimator from an ankle foot orthosis based on strain sensing and Fourier series. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Location, Takamatsu, JAPAN, 5-8 August, 2008.
Wolfgang Svensson, Ulf Holmberg (2008). Ankle-Foot-Orthosis Control in Inclinations and Stairs. Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, 2008 IEEE Conference on, Chengdu, PEOPLES Rep. CHINA, 21-24 Sept. 2008.
Daniel Petersson, Jonas Johansson, Ulf Holmberg, Björn Åstrand (2007). Torque Sensor Free Power Assisted Wheelchair. 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 12-15, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Wolfgang Svensson, Tommy Salomonsson, Ulf Holmberg (2007). Foot orthosis strain sensing in hill walking. 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 12-15, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Wolfgang Svensson, Ulf Holmberg (2006). An Autonomous Control System for a Prosthetic Foot Ankle. 4th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, 12 - 14 september, 2006, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Germany.
Wolfgang Svensson, Ulf Holmberg (2005). Foot and ground measurement using portable sensors. IEEE 9th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 28-July 01, 2005, Chicago, IL.
Stefan Byttner, Ulf Holmberg, Nicholas Wickström (2005). Using Multiple Cylinder Ion Measurements for Improved Estimation of Combustion Variability. SAE 2005 World Congress & Exhibition, April 2005, Detroit, Michigan, United States.
Stefan Byttner, Ulf Holmberg, Nicholas Wickström (2004). An Ion Current Algorithm for Fast Determination of High Combustion Variability. SAE World Congress (2004 : Detroit).
Stefan Byttner, Ulf Holmberg, Nicholas Wickström (2004). An ion current algorithm for fast determination of high combustion variability. SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, USA, March 8-11, 2004.
Stefan Byttner, Ulf Holmberg (2003). Ion Current Based Control of Combustion Variability. Mekatronikmötet 2003, Chalmers, Göteborg, Sweden, 27-28 Aug., 2003.
Ulf Holmberg, Wolfgang Svensson (2001). A pneumatic loudspeaker for intensive sounds. 6th European Control Conference (ECC 2001), Porto, Portugal, September 4-7, 2001.
Daniel Blomqvist, Stefan Byttner, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson, Ulf Holmberg (2000). Different Strategies for Transient Control of the Air-Fuel Ratio in a SI Engine. International Fuels & Lubricants Meeting & Exposition, October 2000, Baltimore, MD, USA, Session: Combustion and Emissions Formation in SI Engines (Part A&B).