Modification date 20 June 2017 20:21:55
A list of all pages that have property "Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki." with value "20 June 2017 20:21:55".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Publications:Iris Super-Resolution Using Iterative Neighbor Embedding + (21 May 2017 20:21:55)
- Publications:Minimax approach for multi-objective controller design using multiple models + (21 May 2017 20:21:55)
- Publications:A Real-Time AdaBoost Cascade Face Tracker Based on Likelihood Map and Optical Flow + (21 May 2017 20:21:58)
- Publications:Quality function for unsupervised classification and its use in graphic arts + (22 May 2017 20:22:00)
- Publications:Modeling Electromechanical Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems + (23 May 2017 20:22:01)
- Publications:Minimum EDF-feasible deadline calculation with low-time complexity + (23 May 2017 20:22:02)
- Publications:Modular, scriptable and automated analysis tools for high-throughput peptide mass fingerprinting + (2 June 2017 20:22:02)
- Publications:A simple trick for estimating the weight decay parameter + (2 June 2017 20:22:03)
- File:2017 06 phd announcement Halmstad.pdf + (8 June 2017 11:24:28)
- Publications:Predicting physiological parameters in fatiguing bicycling exercises using muscle activation timing + (9 June 2017 20:21:58)
- Publications:A segmentation-free approach to recognise printed Sinhala script using linear symmetry + (20 June 2017 20:21:55)
- Publications:Biometric authentication : International ECCV 2002 Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1, 2002 : proceedings + (20 June 2017 20:21:56)
- Publications:Authentication gets personal with biometrics + (20 June 2017 20:21:56)
- Publications:Protein spot detection by symmetry derivatives of Gaussians + (20 June 2017 20:21:56)
- Publications:Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database + (20 June 2017 20:21:57)
- Publications:Saccadic search with Gabor features applied to eye detection and real-time head tracking + (20 June 2017 20:21:57)
- Publications:Retinal vision applied to facial features detection and face authentication + (20 June 2017 20:21:57)
- Publications:Face authentication with Gabor information on deformable graphs + (20 June 2017 20:21:58)
- Publications:Novel System Architecture for Online Gait Analysis + (22 June 2017 20:21:58)
- Publications:Exploring relations between EMG and biomechanical data recorded during a golf swing + (13 July 2017 18:19:42)
- Publications:Evidence on skill differences of women and men concerning face recognition + (13 July 2017 18:28:02)