Modification date 8 August 2017 20:22:02
A list of all pages that have property "Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki." with value "8 August 2017 20:22:02".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Publications:Biometric authentication : International ECCV 2002 Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1, 2002 : proceedings + (20 June 2017 20:21:56)
- Publications:Retinal vision applied to facial features detection and face authentication + (20 June 2017 20:21:57)
- Publications:Saccadic search with Gabor features applied to eye detection and real-time head tracking + (20 June 2017 20:21:57)
- Publications:Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database + (20 June 2017 20:21:57)
- Publications:Face authentication with Gabor information on deformable graphs + (20 June 2017 20:21:58)
- Publications:Novel System Architecture for Online Gait Analysis + (22 June 2017 20:21:58)
- Publications:Exploring relations between EMG and biomechanical data recorded during a golf swing + (13 July 2017 18:19:42)
- Publications:Evidence on skill differences of women and men concerning face recognition + (13 July 2017 18:28:02)
- Publications:Novel methodology for estimating Initial Contact events from accelerometers positioned at different body locations + (21 July 2017 20:22:15)
- Publications:Cross-Eyed 2017 : Cross-Spectral Iris/Periocular Recognition Database and Competition + (8 August 2017 20:22:01)
- Publications:Learning-Based Local-Patch Resolution Reconstruction of Iris Smartphone Images + (8 August 2017 20:22:02)
- Publications:Symbolic Approach to Motion Analysis : Framework and Gait Analysis Case Studies + (9 August 2017 20:21:51)
- Publications:Improving Very Low-Resolution Iris Identification Via Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Local Patches + (17 August 2017 20:22:00)
- Publications:Matcher Fusion for Improved Cross-Sensor Smartphone Periocular Recognition + (17 August 2017 20:22:01)
- Cargo ANTs + (19 August 2017 19:52:16)
- Publications:Trajectory Optimizer for an Autonomous Truck in Container Terminal + (21 August 2017 20:21:55)
- Application areas + (1 September 2017 15:28:21)
- Biometrics + (1 September 2017 15:30:47)
- Publications:Local Path Optimizer for an Autonomous Truck in a Harbour Scenario + (4 September 2017 20:21:54)
- Publications:Gradient Based Path Optimization Method for Autonomous Driving + (6 September 2017 20:21:54)
- Model behaviour of agents in a warehouse setting + (22 September 2017 14:21:06)