StartPage 914
A list of all pages that have property "StartPage" with value "914".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Publications:On the role of dimensionality in face authentication + (87)
- Publications:Symmetry Assessment by Finite Expansion : application to forensic fingerprints + (87)
- Publications:Image analysis and artificial neural network for colour classification in multicolour newspaper printing + (89)
- Publications:Offline Handwritten Amharic Word Recognition Using HMMs + (89)
- Publications:A mobile robot for mechanical weed control + (89)
- Publications:A field test with self-organized modeling for knowledge discovery in a fleet of city buses + (896)
- Publications:Halmstad intelligent home - Capabilities and opportunities + (9)
- Publications:MALTA : A System of Multiple Autonomous Trucks for Load Transportation + (91)
- Publications:Fusion of voice signal information for detection of mild laryngeal pathology + (91)
- Publications:Path Following for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation with Inherent Safety and Dynamics Margin + (910)
- Publications:Ink feed control in a web-fed offset printing press + (919)
- Publications:Estimating pressure peak position and air-fuel ratio using the ionization current and artificial neural networks + (927)
- Publications:On Path Planning Methods for Automotive Collision Avoidance + (931)
- Publications:Neural networks for extracting the pressure peak position from the ion current + (95)
- Publications:Unsupervised classification of slip events for planetary exploration rovers + (95)
- Publications:HMM-Based Handwritten Amharic Word Recognition with Feature Concatenation + (961)
- Publications:Multiple experts + (986)
- Publications:Categorizing sequences of laryngeal data for decision support + (99)
- Publications:Hybrid and ensemble-based soft computing techniques in bankruptcy prediction : a survey + (995)
- Publications:Lexicon-based Offline Recognition of Amharic Words in Unconstrained Handwritten Text + (Article number 4761145)