Volume 37
A list of all pages that have property "Volume" with value "37".
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- Publications:Towards noninvasive screening for malignant tumours in human larynx + (32)
- Publications:Self-monitoring for maintenance of vehicle fleets + (32)
- Publications:Autonomous construction using scarce resources in unknown environments : Ingredients for an intelligent robotic interaction with the physical world + (33)
- Publications:Summary Maps for Lifelong Visual Localization + (33)
- Publications:An adaptive panoramic filter bank as a qualitative model of the filtering system of the cochlea : The peculiarities in linear and nonlinear mode + (34)
- Publications:Implementation and stability analysis of prioritized whole-body compliant controllers on a wheeled humanoid robot in uneven terrains + (35)
- Publications:A multi-channel adaptive nonlinear filtering structure realizingsome properties of the hearing system + (35)
- Publications:Predicting physiological parameters in fatiguing bicycling exercises using muscle activation timing + (35)
- Publications:A biometric approach to laboratory rodent identification + (36)
- Publications:Multi-resolution screening of paper formation variations on production line + (36)
- Publications:Towards a computer-aided diagnosis system for vocal cord diseases + (36)
- Publications:Image analysis and fuzzy integration applied to print quality assessment + (36)
- Publications:A segmentation-free approach to recognise printed Sinhala script using linear symmetry + (37)
- Publications:Assessing print quality by machine in offset colour printing + (37)
- Publications:Data dependent random forest applied to screening for laryngeal disorders through analysis of sustained phonation : Acoustic versus contact microphone + (37)
- Publications:Selecting features from multiple feature sets for SVM committee-based screening of human larynx + (37)
- Publications:Discriminative multimodal biometric authentication based on quality measures + (38)
- Publications:A processor array module for distributed, massively parallel, embedded computing + (38)
- Publications:Advances in computational intelligence-based print quality assessment and control in offset colour printing + (38)
- Publications:Questionnaire- versus voice-based screening for laryngeal disorders + (39)
- Publications:Ink feed control in a web-fed offset printing press + (39)
- Publications:Random forests based monitoring of human larynx using questionnaire data + (39)
- Publications:Automated image analysis- and soft computing-based detection of the invasive dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller + (39)
- Publications:An adaptive model simulating the somatic motility and the active hair bundle motion of the OHC + (39)