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ContactInformation Magnus Jonsson  +
Description Vehicular communication using wireless tecVehicular communication using wireless technology is a cornerstone in the design of many important cooperative safety or convenience services offered in today’s vehicles, as e.g. lane change assistance or blind spot warnings. A growing application is vehicle platooning, where a caravan of vehicles on the highway can automatically follow a leading vehicle (controlled by a human driver). The next step in the evolution of this application area is fully auto­nomous driving, which is considered as a strategically important development direction by numerous leading car and truck manufacturers. Although the introduction of fully autonomous vehicles into ordinary city environ­ments still lies far ahead, the automatic operation of vehicles in restricted areas, as e.g. in harbours, storage facilities, or mines, is feasible to some extend already today. However, cooperation between vehicles using wireless communica­tion can enhance the possibilities to a great extent. Autonomous cooperative driving enabled by intervehicle communication has highly demanding operating condi­tions and generates delay-sensitive data traffic with requirements on high reliability regarding correct data delivery. Achieving this high data reliability within a given time frame is particularly difficult in vehicular networks due to the highly dynamic radio environment encountered by the communicating cars or trucks.tered by the communicating cars or trucks.
Lctitle false  +
LogotypeFile HH ENG color small.png  +
ProjectEnd 31 December 2016  +
ProjectResponsible Magnus Jonsson  +
ProjectStart 1 March 2014  +
Projectpartner Qamcom + , Scania + , Volvo GTT + , Volvo Cars + , Kapsch TrafficComAB +
ShortDescription Autonomous Cooperative Driving: Communication issues  +
Title ACDC  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. ACDC + , ACDC + , ACDC + , ACDC + , ACDC + , ACDC + , ACDC + , ACDC + , ACDC + , ACDC + , ACDC +
Categories ResearchProject  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 5 November 2014 12:56:18  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. ResearchProj  +
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Alexey Vinel + , Annette Böhm + , Elisabeth Uhlemann + , Kristina Kunert + , Le-Nam Hoang + , Magnus Jonsson + , Nikita Lyamin + Project


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