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Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS
Abstract <p>Considering operators defined usi<p>Considering operators defined using Structural Operational Semantics (SOS), commutativity axioms are intuitive properties that hold for many of them. Proving this intuition is usually a laborious task, requiring several pages of boring and standard proof. To save this effort, we propose a syntactic SOS format which guarantees commutativity for a set of composition operators.</p> a set of composition operators.</p>
Author Mohammad Reza Mousavi + , M. A. Reniers + , J. F. Groote +
DOI  +
EndPage 223  +
Issue 5  +
Journal Information Processing Letters  +
PublicationType Journal Paper  +
Publisher Elsevier  +
StartPage 217  +
Title A syntactic commutativity format for SOS  +
Volume 93  +
Year 2005  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS + , Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS + , Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS + , Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS + , Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS + , Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS + , Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS + , Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS + , Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS + , Publications:A syntactic commutativity format for SOS +
Categories Publication  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 26 June 2014 03:43:41  +
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