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Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications
Abstract <p>The concept of deadline dependent<p>The concept of deadline dependent coding (DDC) has been demonstrated as a promising design approach for efficient and reliable real-time communications over wireless channels. The main idea behind the concept of DDC is to make all components of the communication protocol deadline dependent, tailoring the channel code and the retransmission protocol to the specific real-time constraints. The DDC framework allows critical reliability and timing constraints to be readily evaluated as a function of available system resources. Concatenated coding and iterative decoding within retransmission protocols enables additional flexibility and new adaptive design options. Here, we introduce an incremental redundancy retransmission scheme in conjunction with concatenated coding and show that this further improves the DDC scheme.</p>further improves the DDC scheme.</p>
Author Elisabeth Uhlemann + , Lars K. Rasmussen +
Conference 10th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Catania, Italy, September 19-22, 2005
DOI  +
EndPage 424  +
HostPublication IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2005  +
PublicationType Conference Paper  +
Publisher IEEE Press  +
StartPage 417  +
Title Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications  +
Year 2005  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + , Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + , Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + , Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + , Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + , Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + , Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + , Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + , Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + , Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications +
Categories Publication  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 26 June 2014 03:42:03  +
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