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Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications
Abstract <p>In this paper, we deal with the k<p>In this paper, we deal with the key issues in implementing an optoelectronic architecture suitable for embedded signal processing. The architecture is based on a system concept where free-space optical interconnects and planar packaging technologies make it possible to merge complicated and new parallel computer architectures into planes and to take advantage of many properties of optics. For instance, optical fan-out reduces the hardware cost as well as the all-to-all broadcast time. It is also possible to meet scalability and high bisection bandwidth requirements. The main results show that it is possible to build a 6D hypercube using planar optical substrates.</p>using planar optical substrates.</p>
Author Håkan Forsberg + , Magnus Jonsson + , Bertil Svensson +
Conference 21st IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, 10-13 February 2003
EndPage 629  +
HostPublication IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics  +
PublicationType Conference Paper  +
Publisher IASTED/ACTA Press  +
StartPage 621  +
Title Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications  +
Year 2003  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications + , Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications + , Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications + , Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications + , Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications + , Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications + , Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications + , Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications + , Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications + , Publications:Key Issues in Implementing an Optoelectronic Planar Free-space Architecture for Signal Processing Applications +
Categories Publication  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 26 June 2014 03:41:20  +
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