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Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture
Abstract <p>Efficient utilization of availabl<p>Efficient utilization of available resources is a key concept in embedded systems. This paper is focused on providing the support for managing dynamic reconfiguration of computing resources in the programming model. We present an approach to map occam-pi programs to a manycore architecture, Platform 2012 (P2012). We describe the techniques used to translate the salient features of the occam-pi language to the native programing model of the P2012 architecture. We present the initial results from a case study of matrix multiplication. Our results show the simplicity of occam-pi program by 6 times reduction in lines-of-code.</p>imes reduction in lines-of-code.</p>
Author Essayas Gebrewahid + , Zain Ul-Abdin + , Bertil Svensson +
Conference MCC-2011, Fourth Swedish Workshop on Multicore Computing, November 23-25, 2011, Linköping University
PublicationType Conference Paper  +
Title Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture  +
Year 2011  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture + , Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture + , Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture + , Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture + , Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture + , Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture + , Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture + , Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture + , Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture + , Publications:Mapping Occam-pi programs to a Manycore Architecture +
Categories Publication  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 26 June 2014 03:41:21  +
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