EndPage 7
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- Publications:On the delay lower bound for the emergency message dissemination in vehicular ad-hoc networks + (654)
- Publications:Interference-Aware Clustering Algorithms for Mobile ad hoc Network : Ant Colony optimization-based Algorithm + (66)
- Publications:Decomposability in Input Output Conformance Testing + (66)
- Publications:Symmetry and partial order reduction techniques in model checking Rebeca + (66)
- Publications:Performance Analysis of the Polling Scheme in IEEE 802.16 + (67)
- Publications:Process algebraic verification of SystemC codes + (67)
- Publications:Client Relay Simulation Model for Centralized Wireless Networks + (677)
- Publications:Increasing the probability of timely and correct message delivery in road side unit based vehicular communication + (679)
- Publications:A Communication Library for Mapping Dataflow Applicationson Manycore Architectures + (68)
- Publications:A Communication Library for Mapping Dataflow Applications on Manycore Architectures + (68)
- Publications:A real-time medium access protocol supporting dynamic spectrum allocation in industrial networks + (69)
- Publications:A Study of Design Efficiency with a High-Level Language for FPGAs + (7)
- Publications:Algorithm for the choice of topology in reconfigurable on-chip networks with real-time support + (7)
- Publications:The normalized rate iterative algorithm : a practical dynamic spectrum management method for DSL + (7)
- Publications:Coordinating aerial robots and unattended ground sensors for intelligent surveillance systems + (70)
- Publications:Meeting Engineer Efficiency Requirements in Highly Parallel Signal Processing by Using Platforms + (700)
- Publications:Modeling Prioritized Broadcasting in Multichannel Vehicular Networks + (701)
- Publications:Analyzing the Advantages of Run-Time Reconfiguration in Radar Signal Processing + (706)
- Publications:Deadline first scheduling in switched real-time Ethernet - deadline partitioning issues and software implementation experiments + (71)
- Publications:High-level programming of coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures + (714)
- Publications:An embedded language for programming protocol stacks in embedded systems + (72)
- Publications:DSL Implementation in MetaOCaml, Template Haskell, and C++ + (72)
- Publications:A Novel Reliable Routing Scheme for VANETs + (721)