Modification date 26 June 2014 03:41:30
A list of all pages that have property "Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki." with value "26 June 2014 03:41:30".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Publications:Two-level Reconfigurable Architecture for High-Performance Signal Processing + (26 June 2014 03:41:23)
- Publications:Analyzing the Advantages of Run-Time Reconfiguration in Radar Signal Processing + (26 June 2014 03:41:24)
- Publications:Fiber-ribbon pipeline ring network for high-performance distributed computing systems + (26 June 2014 03:41:25)
- Publications:A fiber-optic interconnection concept for scaleable massively parallel computing + (26 June 2014 03:41:25)
- Publications:T4 - Telematics for Totally Transparent Transports + (26 June 2014 03:41:26)
- Publications:Time-deterministic WDM star network for massively parallel computing in radar systems + (26 June 2014 03:41:26)
- Publications:An application dependent medium access protocol for active RFID using dynamic tuning of the back-off algorithm + (26 June 2014 03:41:27)
- Publications:Towards an Energy Efficient Protocol for Active RFID + (26 June 2014 03:41:27)
- Publications:An Energy and Application Scenario Aware Active RFID Protocol + (26 June 2014 03:41:28)
- Publications:Selecting back off algorithm in active RFID CSMA/CA based medium-access protocols + (26 June 2014 03:41:29)
- Publications:A snoozing frequency binary tree protocol + (26 June 2014 03:41:29)
- Publications:An active backscatter wake-up and tag identification extraction protocol for low cost and low power active RFID + (26 June 2014 03:41:30)
- Publications:Protocols for active RFID - the energy consumption aspect + (26 June 2014 03:41:30)
- Publications:A modular, massively-parallel computer architecture for trainable real-time control-systems + (26 June 2014 03:41:31)
- Publications:A low power-long range active RFID-system consisting of active RFID backscatter transponders + (26 June 2014 03:41:31)
- Publications:ARC13 : Assessment of Research and Coproduction : Reports from the assessment of all research at Halmstad University 2013 + (26 June 2014 03:41:32)
- Publications:Using a CSP based programming model for reconfigurable processor arrays + (26 June 2014 03:41:32)
- Publications:A multiple SIMD mesh architecture for multi-channel radar processing + (26 June 2014 03:41:33)
- Publications:Managing Dynamic Reconfiguration for Fault-tolerance on a Manycore Architecture + (26 June 2014 03:41:34)
- Publications:The VEGA moderately parallel MIMD, moderately parallel SIMD, architecture for high performance array signal processing + (26 June 2014 03:41:34)
- Publications:Synthetic-Aperture Radar Processing on a Manycore Architecture + (26 June 2014 03:41:35)
- Publications:An Evaluation of High-Performance Embedded Processing on MPPAs + (26 June 2014 03:41:35)